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Christian Union: The Magazine
September 20, 2017
You are Invited to Christian Union's 2018 Summer Getaway; Pluralism and the Art of Disagreement; A Great Book for Thoughtful Outsiders; Why is Work Good? Six Quick Reminders; Want Less Sexual Trauma on Campus? Stop Telling the Big Lies; A New Look for ChristianUnion.org and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
    be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
    and rejoice with trembling.
— Psalm 2:10-11


You are Invited to Christian Union's Summer Getaway, July 21-28, 2018

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Last July, Christian Union held its first annual Summer Getaway, at the beautiful CAMP-of-the-WOODS in the Adirondack Mountains. In 2018, we will do it again, and you are invited to join us. If you are looking for a summer vacation, adventure, and beautiful place to get away — in an environment that will encourage you and your family spiritually — this is it! Tomorrow, you will receive a special invitation via email (if you are reading this e-newsletter because someone shared it with you, you are warmly welcome, too). The window for registration ends in late October, so act now. Learn more about our Summer Getaway here, and watch a video about CAMP-of-the-WOODS on the Summer Getaway site, here >

Go to CUSummerGetaway.org >


Pluralism and the Art of Disagreement

By  Christopher L. Eisgruber
From Princeton University

During Princeton's 2017 Opening Exercises, the president of Princeton University gave a tremendous address on Pluralism and the Art of Disagreement. Eisgruber said that any great university "encourages, and even demands, independence of mind." He shared a hope that each student would "embrace this University's commitment to leadership through the pursuit of truth and understanding; that you will develop and practice the art of disagreement; and that you will cultivate the courage to speak up even when your opinions seem unpopular." 

Read Full Address Here >


A Great Book for Thoughtful Outsiders

By Randy Newman
From Connection Points

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It’s hard to find books that speak to both Christians and non-Christians. Here’s a recommendation for a new book that fits that distinction: Gregory E. Ganssle’s Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations. It can deepen believers’ faith and challenge outsiders’ skepticism. And it does so with “gentleness and respect”...

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Why is Work Good? Six Quick Reminders

By Hugh Whelchel

In the context of the Labor Day holiday in the United States, the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics published six quick reminders on the deeper meaning behind our work.

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Want Less Sexual Trauma on Campus? Stop Telling the Big Lies.

By  David French
From National Review

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In the debate over Title IX and sexual assault on campus, I keep hearing the same questions: Sure, you’re for due process, but do you also care — do you really care — about the victims of sexual assault? Where is the sympathy for them in your many odes to ...

Read Full Article Here >


A New Look for ChristianUnion.org

From Christian Union

If you haven't visited ChristianUnion.org lately, please take a moment to check out our redesigned web site.

Visit the Site >


Prayer Requests

Rejoice with us about very encouraging news across our university ministries, where remarkable numbers of students have already joined Christian Union Bible courses this semester, and many more are still in that process. Please pray for these Bible courses, as they continue to form, that students would fit in well, that meaningful relationships would form in ways that would lead to significant spiritual growth, and that God's word would bear tremendous fruit in these students' lives.

As the UN General Assembly meets this week in New York it is a reminder of the many events of import taking place in this city. For better or worse world leaders will gather to talk, posture, debate, negotiate, and much more, both good and evil. This week is a reminder to pray for our leaders. Psalms 2:10-11 tells us, Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.

We continue to pray for widespread outpourings of the Holy Spirit in America, that we might see nothing less than a sweeping spiritual transformation of our nation. Thank you for joining us in prayer for this!


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