The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
— Psalm 34:18
Tragedy in Las Vegas
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We were all confronted this week by the news of yet another unspeakably evil tragedy, this time in Las Vegas. We mourn with those who mourn, even as we wrestle with the realities of living in a world where profound evil exists. Here are three articles approaching the problem from different angles: a pastoral perspective, a practical perspective, and a philosophical perspective. |
Science, Mathematics, and Christianity
By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine
Last October, the Christian Union ministry at Princeton launched the META Initiative, designed to “foster conversations on Christianity and culture,” and explored topics ranging from the sciences, to film, to varying forms of social discourse. This article, from Christian Union: The Magazine, reports on seminars and lectures that focused on sciences and mathematics. Please pray for students and Christian Union ministry faculty orchestrating more engaging topics this fall. |
Alvin Plantinga: a Transformative Christian Leader
From The Templeton Prize
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Christian Union is inspired by examples of godly men and women, whose lives and work have been instrumental in helping to drive change in ways that bring glory to God. Congratulations to Dr. Alvin Plantinga, the John O'Brien Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame, who received the 2017 Templeton Prize at a ceremony in Chicago last week. Dr. Plantinga's body of work has helped make theism a credible option within the world of academic philosophy. The impact of his work — on an entire discipline — has been astounding. He is a wonderful model of what we mean when we talk about transformative Christian leaders. |
Let’s Save the University from Secular Privilege
By Mary Poplin, with Andrea Palpant Dilley
From Christianity Today
The academy has lost its pluralism. Here's how the church can help find it. A Christianity Today interview with Mary Poplin, who teaches at Claremont Graduate University, in Claremont, California. |
Speaking Ill of Hugh Hefner
By Ross Douthat
From New York Times
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Hugh Hefner passed away last week. Ross Douthat's piece on Hefner's life and destructive legacy, for the New York Times, is unflinching. |
You are Invited to Christian Union's 2018 Summer Getaway
From Christian Union
You are invited to the 2018 CU Summer Getaway in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. If you are looking for a summer vacation, adventure, and beautiful place to get away, in an environmment that will encourage you and your family spiritually, please join us. The window for registration closes in late October, so act now. |
Prayer Requests
Pray especially for freshmen who, at most of the universities where Christian Union works, are starting to feel the strain and pressure that comes with the first waves of exams at these academically rigorous schools. Please also pray for fall conferences and getaways that are happening now, that God would work powerfully in attendees' lives. Finally, please pray for Ravi Zacharias' visit to Yale University in October. Christian Union has invited Ravi, along with his colleague Abdu Murray, to speak to what is expected to be an audience of hundreds of Yale students.
Pray for new Bible courses and other Christian Union initiatives in New York City. Please pray that God would draw people to the courses, that God would move with power in the participants' lives, and that He would be glorified mightily in and through the courses.
Pray for Christian Union Day & Night's upcoming "Great Experiment." Set to launch in November, we are calling on Christians across America to gather with friends during the month of November to seek God in unprecedented ways. Pray that many would sign up, and that God would use the initiative to bear tremendous fruit. Learn More >
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