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December 13, 2017
How Do I Glorify God in My Job?; A Labor of Love; Digital Media and the Church; Coaching Student Athletes; It's Past Time to Rethink Modern Sexual Morality and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
— Col. 3:17


How Do I Glorify God in My Job?

By John Piper
From DesiringGod.org
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In Colossians 3, Paul challenges us to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. What does this look like at work? The introduction to this DesiringGod.org podcast (10 minutes in length) says this: "We don’t want to waste our jobs. None of us does. We spend so much time at work, and it’s a place to pursue excellence. But why? Why should we pursue excellence at work, when we often don’t see any eternal value in our weekly duties and routines?"

Read more or listen to this podcast here >


A Labor of Love

By  Ana Yee '21

From Harvard Ichthus

As we are well into the well advent season, take a moment to pause and enjoy this perspective on Christ's birth, written by a freshman at Harvard.

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Digital Media and the Church

By Garrett Brown
From ChristianUnion.org

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Late in the twelfth century, Benedictine monks in England developed a sophisticated technology that allowed for greater regularity and precision of their daily work and prayers. The mechanical clock, a significant improvement over sundials and water-based clocks of the time, gave the Benedictines what they desired: synchronization and control over the brothers’ activities.The impact of this remarkable device spread, and use of the clock soon extended beyond the monastery and into the marketplace...The tool transformed the times.

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Coaching Student Athletes

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine

An article in the most recent issue of Christian Union: The Magazine highlights what God is doing in and through the lives of athletes at Princeton.

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It's Past Time to Rethink Modern Sexual Morality

By David French
From National Review

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David French's excellent piece in the National Review suggests that a morality "based only on consent results in sexual oppression."

Read now >


Praise Report

Join Christian Union in praising God. After weeks of negotiations, Christian Union has a contract on the building that will become its future ministry center at Columbia University. We are thrilled with this development and deeply thankful for the 240 ministry partners who gave financially and prayed for this effort.

Prayer Requests


Please pray that everyone who appreciates Christian Union's work would make end-of-the-year financial gifts to help engage more students with the Gospel in the coming year. Click here to make a gift today. 

As the semester winds down, please pray for our ministry faculty who work directly with students at the ten Christian Union university ministries. Pray that they'd be refreshed in the coming weeks, and strengthened spiritually, physically, and emotionally during the Christmas season and the mid-year break.

We know from multiple studies over many years that culture changes largely through networks of people working together for a common goal. Please pray for our on-going effort to develop networks of transformative Christian leaders here in New York..

Pray for Day and Night’s social media reach to increase exponentially. Pray that God will use Day and Night to awaken Christians nationwide to seek Him passionately and take bold action to exalt Him publicly.


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