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Christian Union: The Magazine
December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas!; Rest to Resist; A Fruitful Freshman Campaign; What the Founders Understood About Religious Freedom That We Must Recover; Loss and the Christian Virtue of Hope; Two Ways to Help Christian Union Develop Christian Leaders and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons..
— Galatians 4:4-5


Merry Christmas!

By Peter J. Leithart, First Things, and David Mathis, DesiringGod.org
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The Christian Union staff, ministry faculty, and leadership wish you a very Merry Christmas! We rejoice with you in celebrating the most remarkable, glorious, unfathomable event in all of history: the Incarnation. May these two articles help you worship our Savior today.

Word Made Flesh >

Words are the Greatest Gifts >


Rest to Resist

By Laurel Copp

From Christian Union

I grew up observing the Sabbath. Aka: my family didn’t go out to eat on Sunday, get gas on Sunday, or go grocery shopping on Sunday. I spent my teenage life not going to the mall, doing homework, or grabbing Starbucks on Sunday (kidding, Starbucks wasn’t a thing when I was a teenager). You might think that sounds awful. But actually...

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A Fruitful Freshman Campaign

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine

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As 2017 draws to a close, and we celebrate all that God has done over the past year, there are so many reasons to be thankful. Here is an article from the most recent Christian Union: The Magazine on ways God was working, even from the beginning of this school year, through Christian Union's ministry at Harvard.

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What the Founders Understood About Religious Freedom That We Must Recover

By Michael Berry
From Daily Signal

Given the national discussion in recent days over whether the government may compel speech from an ordinary baker, now is an especially good time to consider the very first words of our charter document: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting...

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Loss and the Christian Virtue of Hope

By Aaron D. Cobb
From Comment

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During advent, even as we celebrate the miracle of Christmas, many struggle to hold on to hope. Whether due to life circumstances and suffering, sorrow, tragedy, or myriad other reasons, we understand this season can be difficult. In this great article on hope, Aaron Cobb reminds us that "God refuses to abandon those who are hopeless."  

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Two Ways to Help Christian Union Develop Christian Leaders

Your gift by December 31 will develop Christian leaders.

Please Give >

If you are age 70½ or older, the IRA Charitable Rollover allows you to make a gift to Christian Union by directly distributing funds tax free from your individual retirement account. 

Learn More >

Please Join Us in Fasting

Please prayerfully consider joining a 10-day fast sponsored by Christian Union Day and Night to start the new year. The fast runs January 8-17, 2018, and participants will receive daily videos exploring the theme “Heroes of Fasting.” We invite you to sign up here >

Prayer Requests


Please pray as Christian Union ministry faculty gather for their annual winter faculty conference — that the time together would be refreshing and encouraging. Pray that the Lord would meet with all who attend in powerful and significant ways, and that momentum would be built corporately for the spring semester.

A quick ‘heads-up’ on the 2018 CU Cities Conference, June 22-23, 2018. The conference will feature great speakers addressing what it will take to bring change to the cities we inhabit. Attendees will also grow and be recharged by awesome worship and prayer throughout. Please pray as we continue to plan for this conference (and for attendees considering coming). Put the dates on your calendar, and plan to join us!

Please prayerfully consider joining a 10-day fast sponsored by Christian Union Day and Night to start the new year. The fast runs January 8-17, 2018, and participants will receive daily videos exploring the theme “Heroes of Fasting.” Pray that many will join for this special time of seeking the Lord. We invite you to sign up here >


Talk Back

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about this newsletter or about any of the articles above. Please use this Contact Us form to share your thoughts >