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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 10, 2018
Legacy in Business; Prioritize Prayer; The Zealous Faith of Secularism; How Can I Possibly Believe that Faith is Better than Doubt?; Revivals and the American Church and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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You keep him in perfect peace
     whose mind is stayed on you,
     because he trusts in you.
— Isaiah: 26:3


Legacy in Business

By Steve Green
From QIdeas.org
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As the president of Hobby Lobby, Steve Green has found great success in business. He understands that prosperity is meant to help others and be used for good. Hear his story of philanthropy and his commitment to create a lasting legacy by making the Bible more accessible and understood for generations to come. Learn what it means to lead a business today as a person of faith...

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Prioritize Prayer

By Qwynn Gross

From Christian Union

Christian Union ministry fellow at Princeton Qwynn Gross writes, "without prayer Christianity is a title alone, but with prayer, Christianity is an ever-growing, intimate relationship with the God who promises to honor those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30), reveal Himself to those who search for Him (Jeremiah 29:13), and draw near to those who will draw near to Him (James 4:8)."

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The Zealous Faith of Secularism

By Mary Eberstadt
From First Things

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According to the dominant paradigm shared by most people, religious and secular alike, the world is now divided into two camps: people of faith and people of no faith. But this either-or template is mistaken, argues Mary Eberstadt in her recent article for First Things. She explains how the sexual revolution has become a dogma and how it has given rise to a "new historical phenomenon: the development of a rival faith—a rival, secularist faith which sees Christianity as a competitor to be vanquished, rather than as an alternative set of beliefs to be tolerated in an open society."

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How Can I Possibly Believe that Faith is Better than Doubt?

By Peter Wehner
From The New York Times

"Why is it that, according to Jesus, faith is better than proof? That’s a question I’ve struggled to answer ever since I began my pilgrimage of faith as a young man. Sometimes it seemed more pressing, other times less so. It can intensify during periods of grief and pain, when faith may not offer much consolation or even make much sense in a world that seems random and cruel...Why take a leap of faith, given all that?”

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Revivals and the American Church

By Robert W. Caldwell III
From The Gospel Coalition

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There are a wide range of views on revival within the church. Here is an interesting perspective from a church historian, Robert W. Caldwell III. Though he doesn’t address the believer's role in praying for God to bring about revival, he does close on a hopeful note, that perhaps God will one day usher in the next Great Awakening. Please read the article and then consider joining with believers around the country in asking God to do just that — and soon.
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Prayer Requests


As Christian Union's various university ministries get underway for the spring semester, please pray for students coming back from Christmas break — that they'd seek God wholeheartedly and make Him known on campus. Pray for our ministry faculty as they re-launch Bible courses and connect again with the returning students.

Please pray for our January 23 Christian Union New York Salon on Jubilee Economics: Transforming Business for Good. Jay Jakub, Director of External Research at Mars, Inc. will be our guest speaker. In this salon, we seek to inspire hearts and minds on what it means to engage intentionally and redemptively in business.

Pray for Day and Night’s 10-day fast, January 8-17. Pray for strength and God’s power to be unleashed as nearly 700 people around the country humble themselves before our gracious God in fasting and prayer. You can fast and pray with us by signing up here.


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