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Christian Union: The Magazine
December 30, 2016

Dear HCFA friends and family,

Merry Christmas! I hope this season of Advent has been one of remembering and waiting upon our God who draws near to us in Christ. We are winding down here at Harvard, students are in finals and are beginning to disappear from campus. Since December is largely a quiet month in our activity with HCFA, I would love for you to join in prayer with us in these ways.


  • Pray for student’s spiritual health over Christmas break. It is so easy for students to check out and not open their Bibles, spend time in prayer or pursue the Lord in any significant way. Pray that this break would be a surprising time of growth for our students. That they would take their faith seriously in the coming weeks and commit time regularly to time in the word and in prayer.

  • Pray for time with family over break. A lot of students can’t wait to go home for Christmas to be with their parents and siblings, but there are just as many students for whom home is a difficult place to be. Pray that the gospel would be real to these students as they practice forgiveness, pursue reconciliation, and walk by the Spirit as they are home with family and old friends.

  • Pray also for staff as we get some down time in the coming weeks. Pray that time with spouses, family and friends would be rich and restful. Often times I find myself at the end of the semester and feeling like I need to pick up some of the pieces of my relationships that have been put on hold throughout the semester. Please pray that each staff member would have time to connect and be cared for by others in the coming weeks.

We are so grateful for your partnership with us as we serve the Lord at Harvard. Thank you for taking time to read these updates month after month. We are so encouraged to know that you all are holding us up in prayer.

Merry Christmas!

Anne Kerhoulas
Christian Union Ministry Fellow
Harvard University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard, please email prayer@christianunion.org.