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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
March 12, 2018
harvard spokenword 2018Over the last weekend in February, nearly 300 students, from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, gathered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for Christian Union's Nexus 2018 conference.

On Saturday night, a team from each school competed in the Christian Union SpokenWord competition that required teams to memorize and present any selection of scripture passages in a spoken word style. The presentations were powerful, creative, and inspiring. A highly energetic audience spurred each team on, and after jubilantly celebrating the top performances, performers and audience together broke into a playful dance party to cap off the joyous celebration of the power of God's Word! 

Watch the top three finalists, below, as revealed at Nexus 2018:

Third Place: Columbia University

Second Place: Yale University

First Place: Harvard University

Watch all SpokenWord preformances here.