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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 14, 2018
Harvard Update; God Called Me to the Middle East — in a Dream; The Three Top SpokenWord Presentations from Nexus 2018; The Love Challenge; Bennett Builds Virginia Basketball on Pillars of Faith and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
— Romans 12:1-2


Harvard Update

By Grace Chao

From The Harvard Crimson

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Many have asked for updates on the probation of Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA), the autonomous student organization at Harvard that is supported and resourced by Christian Union. The first link, below, is an article that ran in The Harvard Crimson in which the writer helpfully raises the question, “May campus religious organizations govern themselves according to their values without retribution?” It also points to the legitimate and appropriate value of Christian Union’s “external ministry fellows with seminary degrees providing pastoral care and spiritual mentorship to Harvard students.”

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Visit the Christian Union blog to find more links to articles and op-ed pieces on the situation >


God Called Me to the Middle East — in a Dream

By Steve Fuller

From Desiring God

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, located between Saudi Arabia and Oman. The government graciously allows Christians from other countries to establish churches there, and to worship freely. And God has led us to plant an English-speaking international church in this strategic city.

This started with a dream — literally, while I was sleeping...

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The Three Top SpokenWord Presentations from Nexus 2018

By SpokenWord
From Christian Union

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Over the last weekend in February, nearly 300 students, from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, gathered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for Nexus 2018. The students enjoyed worship, prayer, great speakers, breakout sessions, small groups, and more. On Saturday night, a team from each school competed in the Christian Union SpokenWord competition that asked teams to memorize and present Scripture passages of their choosing. The presentations were creative, dramatic, and powerful.

Watch the Top Three Presentations Here >


The Love Challenge

By Geoff Sackett
From ChristianUnion.org

Sensible people agree that giving and receiving love is crucial to a person’s emotional well-being and his or her general prospering. Some people, even some who are not religious, believe that loving your enemy is morally commendable and pursuit-worthy. The Christian scriptures also affirm this point of view. So what is the Christian difference in loving one’s enemies?

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Bennett Builds Virginia Basketball on Pillars of Faith

By Isabelle Khurshudyan
From The Washington Post

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As March Madness begins this week, this Washington Post profile on UVA men's basketball coach Tony Bennett should challenge us all to consider how we might apply and live out our faith in our workplace. Though this article is from 2015 and refers to the team's success that year, the team has continued to thrive under Bennett's leadership and is ranked #1 in the country headed into this month's NCAA tournament.
Read Now >


Christian Union Cities Conference

Christian Union Cities Conference will take place June 22-23, 2018, in one of the world greatest cities: New York. Experience two days rich with challenging and inspiring speakers, as well engaging breakout sessions that will address aspects of cultural engagement for redemptive, Gospel-centered purposes. You will worship and pray with professionals and graduate students representing diverse vocations but united in a shared desire to be a godly, transformative influence where God has placed us—whether that is New York or beyond.

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Prayer Requests


Please continue to pray for God to bring glory to Himself through all that is happening at Harvard (see links, above). And pray for God's Word to continue to change lives and hearts at each of the nine other schools where Christian Union works.

We are excited and encouraged as we plan for our June 22-23, 2018, CU Cities Conference in New York. Please pray for the finalization of conference breakout panels. Pray for our ability to effectively connect with professionals not only in New York, but Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC, as well.

Pray that we can fulfill our mission of equipping millions of American Christians to seek God wholeheartedly. Pray for a wave of repentance and faith to sweep across our nation.


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