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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 29, 2018
A Progressive Surrender; A Generation Emerging from the Wreckage; Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Care Centers to Advertise for Abortion is Unjust and Unconstitutional; Believe, That You May Understand; Harvard Update and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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...for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.
— Ephesians 5:8-10


Turn the World Upside Down

By David Bryant

From Christian Union

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So, you want to change the world for Jesus Christ? First, your own world must be radically turned upside down by a vision of "the greatness and glory, the majesty and supremacy, and the wonders of the love and saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ!"

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A Progressive Surrender

By Qwynn Gross

From ChristianUnion.org

When I gave my life to Christ I found myself in Scripture often, and from my readings I began a transformation process that I would say was the groundwork to many blessings. I was impacted so much by the written Word that I naïvely thought I had mastered some of the directives given in Scripture, like the fruit of the Spirit, for instance. What I didn’t realize was that the change on the inside was not complete, but that I was being refined, more and more.



A Generation Emerging from the Wreckage

By David Brooks
From The New York Times

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I’ve been going around to campuses asking undergraduate and graduate students how they see the world. Most of the students I’ve met with so far are ...

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Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Care Centers to Advertise for Abortion is Unjust and Unconstitutional

By Andrew T. Walker
From Public Discourse

Can the state compel an organization to proclaim a message that is the very antithesis of its mission?

On March 20, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that poses this question. National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra challenges a California law that requires pro-life pregnancy centers to...

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Believe, That You May Understand

By Charles J. Chaput
From First Things

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Christian believers, whether Protestant or Catholic, are likely to find this piece by Charles J. Chaput, the archibishop of Philadelpia, to be thought-provoking and insightful.

"Looking back at the last two decades, we can't help but see Fides et Ratio ["Faith and Reason," the 1998 encyclical by Pope John Paul II] as prophetic," Chaput writes. "Our social climate and public discourse are now ruled by what the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre calls the morality of 'emotivism.' We implicitly rank feelings over careful judgment, sincerity over facts, and authenticity to ourselves over collateral damage to others."
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Harvard Update

From ChristianUnion.org
In case you missed it, we have posted links at ChristianUnion.org to a range of stories about the probation of Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA), the autonomous student organization at Harvard that is supported and resourced by Christian Union. Catch up on the articles and op-ed pieces here.

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Prayer Requests


Please pray for students who have accepted leadership roles within the ministries at campuses where Christian Union operates for the 2018-19 academic year. Pray the Lord would give wisdom and insight to outgoing leaders as they orient incoming leaders. And, as these students prepare to take on increased responsibility among their peers, please pray they would walk closely with the Lord this spring and throughout the summer. Join us in asking God to bless them for their service and labor.

CU New York is delighted to host "Faith in Giving: A Paradigm Shift for the City" on Thursday, March 29. As we work to be redemptive and transformative in New York it is imperative we ask and answer the question of what it means to live generously. For many of us generosity is aspirational, but it shouldn’t be something for the future; opportunities to begin to think differently abound. Pray with us and join us in New York  to hear from Jeff Smith, President of Generosity New York.

Please pray the ministry successfully inspires millions of American Christians to seek God passionately through online means. Pray for our social media campaigns (FacebookTwitter, and Instagram) and our well-resourced website.


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