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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 9, 2018
The Art of One-on-One Conversation; He Gave His Life For a Stranger; Not Meant to Be Alone
Aspects of a Christian Worldview, Part 1; The Secret Benefit of Fasting and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
— Proverbs 25:11


The Art of One-on-One Conversation

By Sherif Girgis

From Stanford Anscombe Society

01 Sherif

Sherif Girgis, Princeton '08, Doctoral Candidate in Philosophy, Princeton University; JD, Yale Law School, co-wrote the book What is Marriage?. In 2014, Girgis addressed Stanford's Anscombe Society, sharing his experience and insight on how to thoughtfully and constructively engage in conversation on hot-button topics.

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He Gave His Life For a Stranger

By Kevin Antlitz

From Patheos.com

Kevin Antlitz, a Christian Union ministry fellow at Princeton, recently wrote the following about a carjacking in France.

On the morning of March 23, 2018, a man named Redouane Lakdim hijacked a car, killing a passenger and wounding the driver. While driving the stolen car, he fired a gun at a group of police officers who were jogging on their morning run, injuring one. Eventually, Lakdim made ...

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Not Meant to Be Alone

By  James K.A. Smith
From Comment

03 social isolation

Tackling the western epidemic of social isolation, James K.A. Smith writes, "We shut out incursions of the divine and demonic to carve out a privatized space to be free on our own terms. But we didn’t realize the extent to which we were shutting ourselves in. Congratulations, modern man! You liberated yourself by locking out transcendence; the price was sealing yourself in a cell. We thought we were our own liberators; turns out we might be our own jailors..."

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Aspects of a Christian Worldview, Part 1

By  James M. Garretson
From ChristianUnion.org

What does it mean to speak of a Christian “worldview”? If such a view exists, how does one determine what makes a view “Christian” in the true sense of the word? Is it even possible to find consensus on such a subject? After all, academicians have debated the topic for centuries...

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The Secret Benefit of Fasting

By David Mathis
From DesiringGod.org

05 Fasting

BWe’re prone to think of fasting in negative terms. It’s understandable. Fasting is abstaining. It’s going without food and drink, or some other otherwise good gift from God. Perhaps the reason so many of us fast so infrequently is because we think of fasting mainly as what we’re going without rather...
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Prayer Requests


Please pray for those graduating from Christian Union ministries — that God would richly bless their next steps; that they'd connect with a community of believers who will continue to encourage them in their faith; and that they'd continue to run the race well, entering into this next exciting phase with their eyes firmly set on Jesus, the author and perfector of their faith.

Please pray for the preparations underway for the CU Cities conference, June 22-23, in NYC. It will bring together professionals across many industries, as well as graduate students, who are interested in the relevance of faith to every facet of life. Pray the conference would be used by God to encourage and equip attendees to be a part of God's redemptive plan.

Pray for the over 2,000 participants in The Great Experiment. Pray that they would energetically seek God and boldly live for Jesus in public.


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