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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 23, 2018
The Nature of Christian Scholarship; Preparing for Public Service; A Matter of Identity; Aspects of a Christian Worldview, Part 2; Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
— Luke 10:27


The Nature of Christian Scholarship

From Biola University's Center for Christian Thought
01 conversation

Biola University's Center for Christian Thought hosted this thought-provoking discussion, in 2012, between Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff, two accomplished and widely respected Christian intellectuals. Moderated by Thomas Crisp, a professor of philosophy at Biola, the conversation covers a wide range of topics, from the rift between science and theology to their thoughts on being a Christian in the academy.

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Preparing for Public Service

By Catherine Elvy

From Christian Union: The Magazine

A pair of Harvard Law School students, Kaitlyn Beck ’19 and Kelsey Curtis ’18, who are participants in Christian Union’s ministry at the law school, aspire to use their intellectual talents to reflect their faith in professional spheres. 

The pair spent the spring semester in Washington, D.C., widening their professional horizons and sharpening their skills by interning with the US Department of Justice. Such experience is foundational to careers that may involve government service. 

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A Matter of Identity

By  Eric Parker
From The Gospel Coalition

03 Identity

Virtually every action of our lives is an attempt to answer the question, “Who am I?” You often hear people say things like “Know yourself,” “Be yourself,” or “Stay true to yourself.” These pithy sayings are, as Tim Keller has noted, “self-evident truths” in our society. Questioning them is tantamount to questioning the...

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Aspects of a Christian Worldview, Part 2

By  James M. Garretson
From ChristianUnion.org

This is the second part of a two-part article. If you missed it, please read the first part here.

The formation of a Christian worldview is ultimately rooted in a Christian’s relationship with Christ. The Bible teaches that our nature, by virtue of physical birth, is one of spiritual death and alienation from God. Any parent knows that they do not need to teach their children to do wrong; even the youngest child can act in a sinful manner by instinct and disposition...

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Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking

By Kristen Duke, Adrian Ward, Ayelet Gneezy, and Maarten Bos
From Harvard Business Review

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"Clearly," the authors of this interesting article in the Harvard Business Review write, "interacting with our smartphones affects our experiences. But can our smartphones affect us even when we aren’t interacting with them — when they are simply nearby?"
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Prayer Requests


As the school year winds down at most of the universities where Christian Union ministers, please pray for our ministry faculty as they move into the summer. Some will be traveling, some will continue to minister to students who are around for the summer, and many will be working on projects and focusing on professional development. Please pray that, whatever their assignment, they would enjoy some down time and be recharged physically, emotionally, and spiritually after a very busy school year.

Please pray for continued preparations for the CU Cities conference, June 22-23, in NYC. Also please continue to pray that our 2018 graduates would transition well into professional life. We are lining up welcoming events in NYC and DC this summer for those who will be living and working there. Pray that the Lord draws a wonderful, strong community of young professionals together, and uses us to strengthen those in this important transition time.

Pray that the momentum gained through The Great Experiment would continue. We received testimonies of salvations, baptisms, bold witness, and Spirit-led obedience. Praise God and ask Him to make this fruit just the beginning of what He will do in our nation.


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