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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 20, 2018
There Are Few Who Die So Hard; Against Moderation; Why You Can't Just 'Give Them the Gospel'; Sharing Faith Is Increasingly Viewed as Optional by Christians; Your Support by June 30 Will Help Teach & Train Godly Leaders and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”.
— Romans 10:14-15


There Are Few Who Die So Hard

By John Piper
From DesiringGod.org
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John Piper's "overarching plea when he delivered a biographical message on Adoniram Judson in 2003," was to "earnestly consider your role in completing the Great Commission."

Judson was America's first foreign missionary and an example of one who considered, and executed on, his own uniquely strategic role in the completing of the Commission. Though warned not to go to Burma, he entered the country almost 200 years ago ...

Listen to Piper's Message Here >

Download Piper's eBook on Judson's Life >


Against Moderation

By Nick Nowalk
From ChristianUnion.org

Those perceived to be moderate in their faith are lauded as exemplary in the public square. Others, whose unremitting devotion to God manages to keep pace with the culture-at-large’s intensely hedonistic pursuit of pleasure, are viewed with mounting suspicion. In a word, that kind of religious zeal comes across as plain weird to the modern mindset.

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Why You Can't Just 'Give Them the Gospel'

By  Sam Chan
From Christianity Today

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Christians believe that the gospel is universal and normative for all peoples at all times and in all places. But we often forget that the gospel is not acultural, as if it hovers above culture and is devoid of any culture. Instead, the gospel is deeply enculturated. That is why...

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Sharing Faith Is Increasingly Viewed as Optional by Christians

From Barna Group

When was the last time you had a conversation about God? For most people, the unfortunate and surprising answer to that question is not recently. Spiritual conversations are exceedingly rare for most Americans, and even for Christians, who are at best reluctant to have them...

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Your Support by June 30 Will Help Teach & Train Godly Leaders

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Christian Union has invested $12.6 M to develop godly leaders on these strategic campuses: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Harvard Law, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. The ministry already has $11 M in funding committed to date. That puts the ministry at 87% of the goal for the academic year, with just $1.6 M left to raise in June. Will you take a moment to help us across the line? You can make a gift using this secure giving form >

Prayer Requests


Pray continue to pray for Christian Union's hiring process. We continue to seek to hire people for a couple of key positions in our Universities ministry.

The CU Cities Conference will take place this weekend, June 22-23, in NYC. Please continue to pray for final preparations and for the work God will do in people's hearts through the conference.

Please pray that we can successfully inspire millions of American Christians to seek God passionately through online means. Pray for our social media campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and our website.


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