As the former co-presidents of Harvard College Faith and Action, the ministry resourced by Christian Union on Harvard’s campus, we write first to thank you for all of your prayers over the years and especially in this most recent season of tension on Harvard’s campus. Throughout the past year, we have been amazed by God’s faithfulness, touched by the extraordinary students who take part in our ministry, and challenged to seek out what faithful, Gospel-centered ministry looks like at a pluralistic university.
In our roles, we saw our community embroiled in several controversies: about theology and sexuality, about what counts as a disputable matter, and about the place and role of Christians on an elite college campus. These conversations were often very difficult and deeply personal and emotional. We held what unintentionally became a controversial large group meeting; the University responded to that event and our leadership standards by creating a new category of “administrative probation.” Even in this confusing time, we sought to reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ as best as we could. Our primary goal, in the past few months and even now, is that Christ and the Gospel would increasingly be exalted on Harvard’s campus.

Many people have asked us what we learned in this process. What tops both of our lists is an abiding sense of God’s faithfulness and a trust that He works all things for His glory. We ask you to continue to hold our community and other campus ministries in your prayers. We ask you also to think about how we, as Christians, can thoughtfully and graciously hold institutions accountable to procedures and principles they profess to hold dear. Above all, let us rejoice that Christ is Lord, that He loves students, professors, and administrators so abundantly more than we ever could, and He desires that all might know Him.