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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
September 12, 2018
Resources for Cultural Revolution; John Onwuchekwa on Corporate Prayer; Get Alone, Get Away, and Get Messy with God; Indelible Imprints; How to Navigate Conversations About Sexual Identity; Officials destroying crosses, burning Bibles in China and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.
— Proverbs 18:13


Resources for Cultural Revolution

From DayandNight.org
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For 21 days in August, more than 2,000 men and women across America prayed and fasted, asking God to bring spiritual revival to the nation and to transform major sectors of our society. If you are interested in exploring what cultural revolution would mean for society, CU Day and Night curated a wonderful and diverse list of resources around these seven sectors: arts and entertainment, business, education, family, government, media, and the church. The resources listed here include inspiring and challenging videos, audios, books, and articles.

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Also, in October, please consider taking part in CU Day and Night's second Great Experiment, a month-long commitment to seek God together with thousands of other Christians across America.

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John Onwuchekwa on Corporate Prayer

By  Matt Smethurst
From The Gospel Coalition

From time to time, the Gospel Coalition publishes a "20 Quotes" article, sharing profound, inspiring, or otherwise thought-provoking quotes from a new book. Here, managing editor Matt Smethurst highly recommends — and cites passages from — a book on corporate prayer called Prayer: How Praying Together Shapes the Church.

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Get Alone, Get Away, and Get Messy with God

By  Julia Carlisle
From Christian Union

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We’re all busy people with days filled with places to go and people to see. Taking time to get away with God to pray likely gets pushed to the bottom of the schedule for the day. We see in the Gospels that Jesus was a very busy man with a full and demanding schedule. Yet, this did not stop him from praying... If we are struggling with knowing how to cultivate a consistent life of prayer, we need only look at Jesus who is the best demonstration of how we are to pursue a life of intimate prayer with the Father...

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Indelible Imprints

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine

While watching his parents serve as missionaries in Ethiopia, a Harvard College student enjoyed a front-row view of the powerful roles of Christian purpose and dedication. “This idea of serving and sacrificing was always...

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How to Navigate Conversations About Sexual Identity

By Sam Allberry
From Desiring God
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Sam Allberry is an apologist and writer for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, and a consulting editor for The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of Is God Anti-Gay? He is also a founding editor of Living Out, a resource to help the church faithfully navigate issues of human sexuality. Here, Allberry shares helpful thoughts on how one might approach potentially volatile (and potentially fruitful) conversations about sexual identity.

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Officials Destroying Crosses, Burning Bibles in China

By Associated Press
From ReligionNews.com
China’s government is ratcheting up a crackdown on Christian congregations in Beijing and several provinces, destroying crosses, burning Bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith, according to pastors and ...

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Prayer Requests


Most of our university ministries are still in the midst of welcoming new students to campus and reaching out to freshmen. Please pray that God would graciously lead our ministry faculty as they interact with students, that He would move powerfully in students' hearts to draw them closer to Himself, and that each Christian Union Bible course would be filled to capacity.

We praise God for a good kick-off event for CU Washington, DC, this past Sunday, and we’re trusting God for another excellent kick-off event for CU New York on September 29 to begin our fall calendar of events and programs. These will include community groups, mentoring, and a series of speaker and network events. Please pray for hearts and minds to be equipped, encouraged and transformed as we develop networks of transformative Christian leaders in these key cities.

Please join us in praying for The Great Experiment, October 1-31, 2018. Pray for Spirit-empowered faith and action to come alive in the Church in America. Pray for thousands of Christians to sign up for the Great Experiment. Pray that lives will be changed and that people will come to Christ through this month-long effort. We invite you to participate, also! Learn more and sign up here >


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