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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
September 27, 2018
Matt Bennett Discusses the Great Experiment on the Eric Metaxas Show; Dignity, Faith, & Work
The Lion and the Lynx; Honest Self-Examination; He Fed Ten Thousand Orphans with Prayer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God!
Let your good Spirit lead me
on level ground!
— Psalm 143:10


Matt Bennett Discusses the Great Experiment on the Eric Metaxas Show

From The Eric Metaxas Show
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Earlier this week, Matt Bennett, founder and CEO of Christian Union, was a featured guest on Eric Metaxas' nationally syndicated radio show. Eric, a long-time friend of Christian Union, asked Matt to appear to discuss Christian Union Day & Night's upcoming Great Experiment. The Great Experiment is a month-long commitment for October 2018, to seek God, together with thousands of other Christians across America. Please listen to learn more—and consider joining Matt, Eric, and many others by participating in The Great Experiment yourself.

Listen to Eric's Discussion with Matt >

Learn More or Sign Up for the Great Experiment >


Dignity, Faith, & Work

By R.C. Sproul
From Ligonier Ministries

Charles Dickens began A Tale of Two Cities with the immortal lines: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” These words sound like a contradiction, dissonant to the ear, harsh to the brain. How could the times be both best and worst?

Before Charles Dickens ever picked up a pen, the French mathematician, philosopher, and writer Blaise Pascal had made use of the paradox. For Pascal, man himself is the crowning paradox of all creation. He said...

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The Lion and the Lynx

By  Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine

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“For me, basketball is a way to glorify God,” shared recent Columbia University graduate Camille Zimmerman ’18. Finishing college with 1,973 points, she was the fourth leading scorer in Ivy League history and had just experienced pre-season training camp with the Minnesota Lynx, the reigning champions of the Women’s National Basketball Association. As a Christian Union assistant Bible course leader at Columbia, she was also giving leadership to her teammates to pursue God.

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Honest Self-Examination

By Don Weiss
From ChristianUnion.org

I am convinced that one of the primary reasons many of us struggle to draw near to God in an earnest, deeper way is because we know that such a pursuit may initially involve a painful, even excruciating encounter.

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He Fed Ten Thousand Orphans with Prayer

By John Piper
From Desiring God
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By reading biographies or stories about saints of the past, we will be encouraged, challenged, and strengthened. In this fantastic article, John Piper provides a glimpse into the life of George Müller, a man whose story will inspire you.

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Prayer Requests


As Christian Union's university ministry begins to wind down its freshman welcoming campaign, please pray for students who have signed up to take part in Christian Union Bible courses: that they would make the studies a priority as academic life intensifies and  connect well with each other. Pray the Holy Spirit would use their time in God's Word to draw them into a deeper relationship with Him.

Please join us in praying for the finance industry. Pray for the men and women of faith who are called to this critical sphere, that they will excel in their skills and responsibilities, and be faithful in every aspect of their calling as children of God and workers in this particular industry. Pray for finance to increasingly reflect God’s intent — enabling others to flourish and His glory.

Join us in praying for the Great Experiment throughout the month of October. Our prayer is for the transformation of our culture as the Church in America seeks God whole-heartedly. The Great Experiment will give Christians around the country an opportunity to stretch their faith and live boldly for our Lord. We invite you to join us and thousands of believers in devotion to God through the Great Experiment. 


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