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Will you not revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?
— Psalm 85:6
The Global Sexual Revolution
By Eric MetaxasFrom Socrates in the City
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Gabriele Kuby, author of The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, shared this thought during an interview on her book with Eric Metaxas at a Socrates in the City event in New York City. The entire interview is worth a listen, but if your time is limited, it really gets to the heart of the matter starting at the 32-minute mark.
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By Geoff SackettFrom ChristianUnion.org
Temptation to sin (and actually sinning) is, unfortunately, an abiding aspect of the Christian life. How do we get better at resisting?
Genuine change comes about by the Lord’s doing. If we want to be people who relish (not perfectly, but genuinely) righteousness over sin, Christ over counterfeits, our wills need to be changed. How does God do that?
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My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience
By Wang YiFrom China Partnership
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Foreseeing this circumstance, Pastor Wang Yi wrote the declaration below to be published by his church should he be detained for more than 48 hours. In it he explains the meaning and necessity of faithful disobedience...
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Cornell Students' Summer of Service
By Francine BarchettFrom Christian Union: The Magazine
It would be hard not to find a Cornell student who longs for a relaxing summer vacation. Instead, social and career pressures often compel them to pursue summer internships, research, and more “notable” experiences. Several students with Christian Union at Cornell, however, bypassed resume-building this summer in favor of serving at Christian camps and on missions trips.
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How History's Revivals Teach us to Pray
By David R. Thomas
From Christianity Today
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Prayer Requests
As students return to class after the holiday break, pray that their hunger for Scripture will increase in the new year and that they will be drawn to seek God. Pray that all our ministry teams will find increased energy for the opportunities that await them.
The world, whether close or far, seems to diminish daily in its reflection of the Creator. Please pray for men and women of faith in all professions, public service, and the church to act and speak with righteousness and humility and courage as we live out fully our identity as new creatures in Christ. Pray for a righteousness in our lives that reflects what God has done in us. Pray this especially for the cities in which we currently minister, New York and Washington, DC.
Praise God for the largest response to our nationwide ten-day fast for 2019: more than 4,500 people participated. Pray with us and them for the Body of Christ in the U.S. to be pure, strong, and growing in spirit and in numbers. Pray for our next effort to inspire American Christians - The Great Experiment, March 1-10, that a record number will sign up and experience God in life-changing ways.
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