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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 27, 2019
Os Guinness on Covenantal Love, Unspeakable Evil, and Being American Now; Just Say No; The "Good" Life; On the Importance of Poetry; Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture; Please Join Christian Union in the Adirondacks this Summer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait
quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
— Lamentations 3:25,26


Os Guinness on Covenantal Love, Unspeakable Evil, and Being American Now

An interview with Os Guinness
From The Table Podcast
os 1Biola University's Center for Christian Thought produces a podcast called The Table. The December 3 episode featured an excellent interview with author and social critic Os Guinness, in which he addresses "American public life today, the meaning of love, the human response to unspeakable suffering and evil around the world, and legacy."

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Just Say No

By Laurel Copp
From ChristianUnion.org
It is difficult to say no. Particularly to yourself. Donna and Tom, two government employees on NBC's television show Parks and Rec have an annual "Treat Yo Self" day in which they allow themselves to be selfish. They pamper themselves, treat themselves to expensive and useless items, and do whatever makes them happy. What makes Tom and Donna's "Treat Yo Self" day so apropos is that these two, more than any other characters on the show, clearly treat themselves all the time. It is the natural inclination of the human heart to be selfish...

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The "Good" Life

By Sarah Camp
From ChristianUnion.org
brownu 3At Brown University, students involved in Christian Union's ministry collaborated with several other campus ministries to host an engaging art exhibit. Event advertising posed the question, “In a world of unrest, increasing social and environmental crises, what does it mean to live a "good life"?” Over 70 students attended...

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On the Importance of Poetry

By Jack Bryan
From Vision & Verse
This piece, by a member of Christian Union's Princeton Alumni Board, was written to kick off the season of Advent in December but is worth a read at any time of the year. Poetry, the author argues, "invites us to slow down, to practice patience and present-ness. Many poems, laden with significance and multivalent levels of meaning, do not yield themselves immediately. (I’ll be the first to admit this is infuriating.) It takes time, effort, and patience to push past the surface and excavate the meaning underneath"...

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Infanticide Is the Historical Hallmark of a Pagan Culture

By Georgi Boorman
From The Federalist

5 moveVirginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who just made deeply troubling comments on abortion, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who just signed the country’s most radical abortion law, have been the subject of intense ire in recent days. The outrage is coming not just coming from “radical” pro-lifers, but people from across the political spectrum...

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Please Join Christian Union in the Adirondacks this Summer

From CU Summer Getaway
Please join Christian Union this summer for a week at Camp-of-the-Woods, in Upstate New York. We will spend a week together seeking God, sharing in wonderful worship, enjoying teaching by pastor and author Colin S. Smith and Christian Union special guest Eric Metaxas, and playing together in the afternoons in the spectacular Adirondacks.

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Prayer Requests

Please join us in thanking God for our just-concluded Nexus Conference. Held last weekend in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Nexus brought together students from each of Christian Union's university ministries for learning, worship, and prayer. The theme of the weekend was "Courageous in the Ways of the Lord".  Plenary speakers, small groups, and breakout sessions helped give students a vision for how their faith might intersect meaningfully with their future work. Please pray that the fruit of this conference would be evident on campus — that the students who attended would live lives marked by courage and boldness.

In the aftermath of a tremendous student conference please pray for those seniors coming to New York and Washington, DC, after graduation. We met a number of them at the conference and it reminded us to pray for them as they finish college — that they will make the transition to the workplace with a faith both vibrant and resilient.


Praise God that a record number of participants have signed on to The Great Experiment, March 1-10, 2019. Pray that each one will be empowered by God’s Spirit during these ten days. Pray that lives will be changed for Christ and that Christians in America will pursue God with renewed commitment and passion.

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