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May 9, 2019
Suffering: God's Workroom of Grace; Texts-4-Toasties at Harvard; Righteousness and Compassion; Are Christians Privileged or Persecuted?; The Growth of Christianity in Africa; You are Invited and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
— Psalm 27:1

Suffering: God's Workroom of Grace

By Paul Tripp
From The Gospel Coalition
Pastor, author, and speaker Paul Tripp makes the point, during this message on suffering, that "suffering is spiritual warfare. It exposes you to particular seductive and attractive—but devastating—temptations. You could argue that suffering will always either deepen your faith and affection for your Redeemer, or it will weaken the same. Suffering is a battleground. And so we want to arm ourselves for that battle with the beautiful theology of the Word of God..."

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Texts-4-Toasties at Harvard

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine
Students from Christian Union's ministry at Harvard helped serve more than 150 hot sandwiches as part of what they called a Texts-4-Toasties event. The students grilled and distributed sandwiches to any classmates who texted spiritual questions. The effort led to excellent conversations between...

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Righteousness and Compassion

By Scott Crosby
From ChristianUnion.org
"Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 'Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me'" (Jonah 1:1, 2). This passage shows God’s righteousness and compassion entwined throughout Scripture. First, God acknowledges Ninevah’s dignity (“that great city”) and seeks its repentance. Second, God sees Ninevah’s great evil and is angered and saddened by it. From this passage we see that compassion requires a recognition of who we are: both our depravity and our dignity. Our tendency, however... Read Now >

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Are Christians Privileged or Persecuted?

By Ross Douthat
From New York Times
Writing in the New York Times after the atrocity in Sri Lanka, columnist Ross Douthat considers how "Western liberalism’s peculiar relationship to its Christian heritage leaves non-Western Christians exposed." Regardless of whether you agree with some or all of the author's points, this is a thought-provoking piece.

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The Growth of Christianity in Africa

By Yomi Kazeem
From QZ.com

By 2060 six of the ten countries with the largest Christian populations will be in Africa, up from three in 2015, according to a new Pew Research Center report. The projections are in line with the gradual shift that has increasingly seen Christian populations live outside the historical cultural centers of the religion...

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You are Invited

By Christian Union
From CUCitiesConference.org
Please consider joining Christian Union for one of the following events.

2019 Christian Union Cities Conference
You are cordially invited to the Christian Union Cities Conference in New York, June 21-22, 2019. The Cities Conference brings together culture, career, and Christianity and will feature a slate of world-class speakers, including James K.A. Smith and Vince Vitale.

The Great Experiment
The Great Experiment asks believers across America to seek God in extraordinary ways from June 1-10, 2019, to see what remarkable things He will do. Please consider signing up today.

Learn More About the Conference >
Learn More About the Great Experiment >

Prayer Requests

Excitement is building as students near the end of their spring terms. Pray fervently that God would help them finish strong, and that they would remain committed to seeking God even as they are pulled in many directions. Pray also that Christian Union ministry teams will be a source of strength and encouragement to our Bible course students and their friends.

Please pray with us for the technology industry and the role it plays in the flourishing of all. Pray for godly men and women to serve with faithfulness, courage, and farsightedness to shape a vocation the significantly shapes life for believers and non-believers alike. Pray for those in this industry to think well about technology and how it can be used to glorify God and bless others. Pray for these men and women to walk uprightly and righteously, and for them to speak and live the Gospel in all its fullness each day.


Day and Night is set to stir the faith of American Christians again with the Great Experiment. Please join us in praying for this 10-day event, June 1-10, to be marked by consistent devotional life and bold action. We want to see the Church aflame with uncontainable love for Christ. Pray for this ministry as we promote the event and seek to foster a community of revival across this land using social media. Ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit to this nation to revive His work.

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