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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
June 19, 2019
There's No Way to Deny that 'Pro-Abortion' is the Right Term; On Quitting Netflix; The Age of Pelagius; A Father's Love; Help Reach the Class of 2023 and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
— 1 Peter 3:18


There's No Way to Deny that 'Pro-Abortion' is the Right Term

By Albert Mohler
From AlbertMohler.com
1 mohlerAlbert Mohler, in yesterday's episode of The Briefing, takes a look at "the fanaticism of the pro-abortion movement [that is] on full display in New York City," and addresses the necessity of "consistent arguments for the dignity of human life."

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On Quitting Netflix

By Matthew Lee Anderson
From The Path Before Us
"Television actively undermines the very skills necessary to be an interesting human being," argues Matthew Lee Anderson in a post on his blog, The Path Before Us. In this piece, he walks through his thinking on what he calls "one of the single best, and hardest, choices" he has made as an adult — quitting Netflix.

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The Age of Pelagius

By Joshua Hawley
From Christianity Today
3 pelagiusFor decades now our politics and culture have been dominated by a particular philosophy of freedom. It is a philosophy of liberation from family and tradition, of escape from God and community, a philosophy of self-creation and unrestricted, unfettered free choice. It is a philosophy that has defined our age, though it is far from new. In fact, its most influential proponent lived 1,700 years ago...

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A Father's Love

By Tucker Else
From ChristianUnion.org
In Genesis 22, we are given a story about a dad and his son. The patriarch Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, is commanded by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac. As a dad myself, it is a hard story to read. “Take your son, your only son, whom you love…”

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Help Reach the Class of 2023

From Christian Union

5 studentandmomPlease make a gift by June 30 to support intensive outreach to the incoming freshman class at each campus where Christian Union operates. Your generous support will bring spiritual growth to the Class of 2023. Here is an encouraging note from a parent who is grateful for Christian Union's work in her daughter's life. God willing, this class will become known for its devotion to Jesus Christ, and will grow more like Christ — just as this student has grown! Christian Union needs your financial help to reach each and every freshman.

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Prayer Requests

Thank you for your faithful prayers through this academic year. There have been many answers to your prayers, and God has truly blessed our students. Now that summer has arrived, students are busy trying to make the most of it, both with leisure activities, internships, and work. Please pray for our students to be bold in their faith off-campus, and to persevere in prayer and reading Scripture throughout the summer break.

We're excited for the upcoming CU Cities Conference this Friday and Saturday. Please pray for speakers and attendees as we address what it means to be Courageous in the Ways of the Lord, taken from 2 Chronicles 7. Pray that we will become more faithful, skillful, and courageous as we engage our cities with the gospel of Jesus Christ; that we will build networks of thoughtful Christians as we do this in community; that we will be courageous in our own lives as we live faithfully and righteously.


Please pray for the leadership of Day and Night. Pray for wisdom and spiritual insight. Pray that we will know how best to equip and inspire Christians around the nation to seek God for national revival. Ask God to provide every resource that is needed to fulfill this mission.

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