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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
July 31, 2019
Special Preview: The Christian Union Cities Podcast; Join Believers Across America for an August Fast; Two Thought-Provoking Articles on Careers — and Career Decline; Now Faith; Revival in Fiji; Cheerful Confidence after Christendom and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Say not, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For it is not wisdom that you ask this.
— Ecclesiastes 7:10


Special Preview: The Christian Union Cities Podcast

From Engaging the City - The Christian Union Cities Podcast
1 etcChristian Union is thrilled to announce the imminent launch of its Christian Union Cities podcast, Engaging the City. As an eNewsletter subscriber, you are invited to listen to the first episode — even before the podcast is fully launched next month. The podcast has been designed for those desiring to work redemptively in their vocation. Listeners will hear regularly from thoughtful leaders in a wide range of industries, who will share insights into what it means to faithfully engage culture.

Listen to the Special Preview here >

Join Believers Across America for an August Fast

From DayAndNight.org
Christian Union Day and Night invites you to join believers nationwide on a 21-day fast, recognizing that our country desperately needs to repent and turn to God. Please consider participating at whatever level the Lord calls you. Some will go as long as 21 days while others will fast for shorter periods of times. By signing up at dayandnight.org, you’ll receive a special emailed devotion each morning of the fast.

Learn More >

Two Thought-Provoking Articles on Careers — and Career Decline

By Arthur C. Brooks / Michele Van Loon
From The Atlantic and Christianity Today
3 careersThough these two articles have career decline as a primary theme, both are worth reading for professionals and students. We'd recommend reading the article from The Atlantic first, then the article (which may have been written as a response) in Christianity Today.

Your Professional Decline is Coming (Much) Sooner than You Think >

Your Peak Life Now: How to Face Career Decline with Grace and Faith >

Now Faith

By James Fields
From ChristianUnion.org
The Word of God is full of paradoxical statements, such as: “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35); “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it.” Some of the teachings of Jesus are commonly referred to as paradoxical teachings. According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, a paradox is “something that is made up of two opposite things that seem impossible but is actually possible.”

One of the most perplexing aspects of Christianity is the subject of faith. Faith is a paradox in itself.

Read Now >

Revival in Fiji

By Sarah Camp
From ChristianUnion.org

5 fijiIn May, Christian Union sent more than a dozen of its employees to Fiji for two weeks because of the encouraging testimony and the practical lessons that our Fijian brothers and sisters can impart for all who are eager for God's presence and desire to see widespread transformation. What would it look like in our own culture for communities of people to unite and seek God together?

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Cheerful Confidence after Christendom

By Timothy Larsen
From 9Marks.org
The darkest forecasts I hear anyone making now involve the post-Christendom period we are entering being like the pre-Christendom period before Emperor Constantine: a world in which the surrounding culture will decide that Christians are “haters of humanity” who deserve to be persecuted. There is probably a bit of paranoia in imagining that this one nation under God is just about to turn into something akin to the Roman Empire under Nero or Diocletian.

But let's face this imagined worst at least as a thought experiment. Were those ...

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Prayer Requests

Pray for our ministry teams that are spending their remaining weeks of summer mending their fishing nets for an expected hundred-fold catch of Freshmen students soon to arrive at these universities. We pray this upcoming weeklong retreat with our ministry teams to be a time when we can encourage and pray over every faculty member in person before they head back to start this new academic year. Praying for the guidance of the Holy Spirit at each location this upcoming Freshman Campaign to make divine connections and to woo the new students that will be in the CUU fellowship for the next four years.

We're grateful for good turnouts at our CU in the City: Summer Socials. A good number of recent graduates moving to New York have joined us on Wednesday evenings to build community with other young professionals in the city. Please continue to pray for these recent grads to connect deeply in community, and for the socials to facilitate this well.


Please join us in prayer as we invite Christians throughout the US to seek God through fasting and prayer (see article above). Day and Night hosts two fasts per year, knowing the command of our Lord (Matthew 6:16-18) and the timely need we have to humble ourselves before God (Ezra 8:21; James 4:6-10). Our ultimate aim through this fast is to see the Father’s name exalted and His kingdom advance in our nation.

Talk Back

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about this newsletter or about any of the articles above. Please use this Contact Us form to share your thoughts >