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Christian Union: The Magazine
September 12, 2019
Engaging the Cityl The Worship Song I Can't Bring Myself to Sing; Why Suffering?; Esteemed Yale Professor Rejects Darwinism, Argues Intelligent Design is a 'Serious' Theory; The Full Aim of Love and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
— John 16:33


Engaging the City

By Scott Crosby
From Christian Union
1 scottIf we are going to be part of redemptive change — a transformation — either of ourselves but especially of our broader culture, we have to wrestle with what it means to engage. We must wrestle with important questions: Where is the inherent good in what we do vocationally? Where is it broken? And how do we live redemptively within that? We must step beyond the 'let me be a good witness at work' — which is absolutely important — to 'how are we going to reshape our vocation such that it will move closer to what it will be in the end, in the new heavens and new earth?' How are we to be part of that redemptive process?

This talk was given by Scott Crosby, the Director of Christian Union New York, at the 2019 Christian Union Cities Conference.

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The Worship Song I Can't Bring Myself to Sing

By Trevin Wax
From The Gospel Coalition
There’s a popular worship song I’ve heard in recent years that I just can’t sing. The heart behind the lyrics is right, and the overall focus of the song is the goodness of the Lord, but at one point, it repeats a line over and over again—that God is never going to let us down. Every time I hear it, I just can’t bring myself...

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Why Suffering?

By Cassandra Hsiao, Yale ’21
From Christian Union: The Magazine
3 vinceThis spring, a hundred people gathered in Battell Chapel at Yale University to address the pressing question: “Why suffering?” Christians and skeptics alike have grappled with this question for centuries—how could a loving God allow for the existence of suffering? At a forum hosted by Christian Union, Vince Vitale and Michael Suderman of the Ravi Zacharias Institute presented some profound insights.

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Drawing the Line: The Ethics of Gene Editing

By William Hurlbut and Rudolf Jaenisch
From The Veritas Forum
Stanford neurobiologist William Hurlbut and MIT genetic biologist Rudolf Jaenisch discuss the ethics of gene editing at a Veritas Forum from MIT, moderated by Cullen Buie.

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The Full Aim of Love

By Justin Woyak
From ChristianUnion.org

5 aimAs a novice parent trying to figure out how to raise three young children (and making many more mistakes than I thought I would!), I often find myself saying inside my head, “What matters most in my relationship with my kids is that I love them, and that they know it.” Until recently, I found myself focusing on that first element: that I love my kids. After all, that’s the element in my control, right? But as my children grow and parenting gets more complex, I find myself focusing more and more on that second element: that my kids know I love them.

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Advice for Students: Think for Yourselves

From James Madison Program, Princeton University
We are scholars and teachers at Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and other institutions who have some thoughts to share and advice to offer students across the country. Our advice can be distilled to three words: Think for yourself. Now, that might sound easy. But you will find that thinking for yourself can be a challenge. It always demands self-discipline and these days can require courage. In today’s climate, it’s all-too-easy to allow your views and outlook to be shaped by dominant opinion on your campus...

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Prayer Requests

Our Freshman Welcoming Campaign is in full swing, and God is providing great results. Hundreds of meetings are introducing freshmen to the reality that God's Spirit is alive and flourishing on their campuses. Pray that these new university students would enroll in Christian Union Bible courses and attend our wecome events. Pray that the many who show initial interest will carry through and stay engaged in Christian community. Pray also for our ministry teams to manage their hectic schedules well during this period and see much fruit from their labor.

I was remarking to a business friend this morning that we never really get away from an academic calendar — that even in the professional world Labor Day marks the start of a "new year." Please pray for those working in the myriad professional and vocational roles in New York and DC to establish, re-establish or strengthen devotional lives that allow them to work from that foundation in this new season. With enormous work loads and family responsibilities it is tough to consistently carve out enough time to make this reality, but critical that we do.


Please pray that God would grant favor to the efforts of the Day & Night team as they seek to promote spiritual strengthening in Christians across America. Pray that the Day & Night website and social media efforts would bear fruit. Pray especially that ever-increasing numbers of people would discover — and be blessed and challenged by — DayandNight.org.

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