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Christian Union: The Magazine
September 26, 2019
Vocation and Faithful Discipleship; Brush & Nib v. City of Phoenix; Are Christians Called to Be Tolerant?; With Sacrifice Comes Change; What Does It Mean to Be Human? and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
— Matthew 5:14-16


Vocation and Faithful Discipleship

By Scott Jones
From Christian Union
01 sjonesScott Jones, a pastor and former Christian Union faculty member at Princeton, returned to the university and gave this outstanding talk at a Christian Union leadership lecture series event last spring. In this talk he takes a look at what it means to be distinctly Christian in the midst of one's vocational pursuit.

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Brush & Nib v. City of Phoenix

By John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera
From Breakpoint.org
Earlier this week, the Supreme Court of Arizona issued an important decision in Brush & Nib v. City of Phoenix, another case located squarely at the intersection of religious freedom and the new sexual orthodoxy.

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Are Christians Called to Be Tolerant?

By Roland C. Warren
From Care-Net.org
03 tolerantAs a Christian, I am sure you’ve been told that you should be tolerant. You see, to some, especially those of older generations, tolerance means to “live and let live.” But today, tolerance means the exact opposite. Increasingly in our culture, those who adopt a tolerance worldview believe that if they disagree with your words, actions, or what they think you believe, they must fight to prevent you from even expressing your convictions, let alone live them out...

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With Sacrifice Comes Change

By Qwynn Gross
From ChristianUnion.org
While most people completely understand what it means to make adjustments for personal change, make proposals for widespread change, or boycott and strike for social change, few appreciate the value a sacrifice to God has for guaranteed change. Yet, fasting and praying has been and continues to be the most effective way to demonstrate a confidence and consciousness in the presence and power of God, which always yields results.

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What Does It Mean to Be Human?

By Zachariah Zienka
From The Bible Project

05 bibleIf you are not familiar with the Bible Project (TheBibleProject.com), it is an excellent resource that offers tremendous content to help develop one's understanding of the Bible and Christian worldview. Here is just one example, an article and accompanying video on what it means to be human.

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Prayer Requests

Praise God for excellent responses from freshman students at the universities where Christian Union works! The Lord has blessed Christian Union ministry teams with energy to endure long, busy schedules and develop new friendships. The campaign season is not over, so please continue to pray for those still meeting and engaging incoming students. Pray that they might continue to find success and favor with their freshmen so that God's kingdom will shine through them like a light on a hill.

Please join the New York and DC teams in prayers of thanksgiving for the times of fellowship and growth as a community this summer. Please pray that, as we transition from our summer schedules, we will be sensitive to God's guidance, directing us to provide fruitful opportunities for continued connections and spiritual growth amongst young professionals in these key cities.


Day and Night is hosting another Great Experiment, November 1-10, 2019. Pray that thousands of American Christians will be renewed in their walk with God as they implement the Five R’s of the Great Experiment and trust God for a Joshua Faith Challenge. Sign up here and share this opportunity with friends as you pray.

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