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Christian Union: The Magazine
October 9, 2019
John Lennox: Has Science Buried God?; Bible Course Brotherhood; Groaning for God; Why (More Than Ever Before) You Need to Read Deeply; Judge: U of Iowa Officials Have to Pay for Repeated Discrimination Against Christian Groups and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.
— Exodus 2:23-25


John Lennox: Has Science Buried God?

By John Lennox
From Socrates In The City
1 lennoxHost Eric Metaxas and Oxford professor John Lennox explore the question, "Has science buried God?" They discuss the fine-tuned universe, evolution, logic, history, and more. The interview was hosted by the Colson Center and took place in Washington D.C., in May 2019.

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Bible Course Brotherhood

From ChristianUnion.org
Two recent Princeton graduates who were on the varsity soccer team together, Moyin Opeyemi and Bryan Prudil, were part of a Christian Union Bible course during their time at Princeton. Each of them credited their participation in the course with "giving them confidence to be salt and light in the workforce."

“Christian Union has given me the framework to approach God’s original purpose for work and how to think about using our gifts to further His kingdom..."

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Groaning for God

From DayandNight.org
3 groaningIn a post last week on Christian Union's DayandNight.org site, readers were reminded of the nationwide Christian revival and awakening that has transformed Uganda, and invited to watch a video about God's remarkable work there.

Readers were challenged to cry out to God, and to ask Him to bring about revival in our land — and encouraged to take part in the upcoming Great Experiment in November.

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Why (More Than Ever Before) You Need to Read Deeply

By Greg Bailey
From The Gospel Coalition
If you had surveyed the technological world of 1994—a time of chirping pagers, beeping fax machines, and “Be kind, please rewind” that videotape from Blockbuster—would you have perceived an imminent threat to the practice of reading and the very concept of culture?

Sven Birkerts did.

That year, Birkerts wrote, "Chip and screen have at one and the same time inundated us...

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Judge: U of Iowa Officials Have to Pay for Repeated Discrimination Against Christian Groups

By Megan Fowler
From Christianity Today

5 iowaFor the second time this year, an Iowa federal judge has ruled that the University of Iowa violated students’ First Amendment rights when various religious student groups lost their official status.

And this time university administrators will be held financially liable for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s fight to stay on campus...

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Prayer Requests

We praise God for His blessings during the Freshman Welcoming Campaign. We have exceeded our freshmen enrollment goal! Many of our ministry teams are several weeks into the Bible Course study of Colossians and students are growing in the Word. Pray for our students to grasp the depth of God's love for them and put their increasing faith into action.

Please pray for two upcoming events this month: a Finance and Faith Forum on Oct 24, and an evangelism salon on October 31. These gatherings will be instrumental in developing a more robust Christian influence in our city and workplaces.


Pray for multitudes of American Christians to answer the call to wrestle against the power of darkness. Pray for a spirit of courage to fill followers of Jesus to fight against the spiritual enemies of God and promote the ways of the Messiah. Pray that the coming Great Experiment will propel many to bold faith in action.

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