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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 7, 2019
The Questions of Culture, The Invitation of Christ; On the Loneliness Epidemic; A Class Day Discourse; The Power of Persistence; Restoring Religious Liberty and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
— Romans 12:10-13


The Questions of Culture, The Invitation of Christ

By Vince Vitale
From Christian Union's YouTube Channel
vince 01The answer to every legitimate question is something true, and all truth is grounded in God. What follows is that all questions, even the most vexing questions of today’s culture, are open doors to share something of who Jesus is and what he has done. This talk, by Vince Vitale, the director of the Zacharias Institute, begins by homing in on four fundamental questions — questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny — that every person needs to answer in order live well. It ends by commending the power of invitation and the privilege of being able to extend the invitation of Christ. It was recorded at Christian Union's City Conference in June in New York.

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On the Loneliness Epidemic

By Jeremy Linneman
From The Gospel Coalition
Americans are lonelier than ever—even though opportunities for social connection have exponentially increased. Even with affordable phone calls and free email, we’re talking to each other less. Despite the prevalence of car ownership and the low cost of cross-country air travel, we’re spending less time with our families...

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A Class Day Discourse

From Christian Union: The Magazine
eunice 03As part of commencement exercises, Harvard College selected a co-president of Christian Union's ministry for one of its top honors.

Eunice Mwabe ’19 was one of two student orators for Harvard’s Class Day. During her address on May 29, she encouraged recent grads to interact actively with people of diverse backgrounds...

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The Power of Persistence

By James Fields
From Christian Union
We won’t always see our prayers answered. If there is no guarantee for answered prayer, why should we persist in prayer?

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus addressed this issue...

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Restoring Religious Liberty

By Timothy S. Goeglein & Craig Osten
From TouchstoneMag.com

freedom 05Many of America's founding generation knew and experienced firsthand religious persecution. The prevalence of religious persecution in Europe made colonial America a refuge for men and women who faced opposition in their native countries as they sought to freely practice their faith. It is clear early Americans saw this freedom to worship according to conscience, rather than according to the dictates of government, as crucial to human flourishing...

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Prayer Requests

Students across the Christian Union ministry are now completing their mid-term exams and facing the uphill stretch that demands great perseverance. Pray that during this season they will keep their focus on the priorities of study while continuing to build their relationship with the Lord through faithful participation in the Christian community, and with dependence on the Holy Spirit.


We are grateful for your prayers for activities in the last two weeks — and for God’s answers. The Finance and Faith Forum was a powerful time that included a panel of finance executives speaking on understanding this profession and purpose through the lens of faith. Additionally, last week’s salon on evangelism in the 21st century was both practical and motivating.


Please pray for spiritual breakthroughs in the lives of all those participating in The Great Experiment. Perhaps more than at any time in our nation's history, we need to see God revive us with a fresh filling of His Spirit. We praise God that He has shown us the way back to Him. Pray that many across our land would humble themselves and believe that as we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. .

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