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Christian Union: The Magazine
December 4, 2019
Princeton Alumna Reflects on Value of Christian Leadership in Her Sector; When You Recognize that Abortion Ends Life, but Still Defend Abortion; Anticipation and Hope in Advent; Lessons on Confession from Psalm 51; The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers: An Interview with Amy Hollingsworth; Please Give by December 31 and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
— Colossians 1:9-12


Princeton Alumna Reflects on Value of Christian Leadership in Her Sector

From ChristianUnion.org
01 parkerParker Morse was involved with Christian Union's ministry at Princeton University when she was an undergraduate. Today, she is a leader in the finance industry. Parker sat down with Christian Union to reflect on the challenges of following Christ in her field — and on how Christian Union helped prepare her to make a difference within her sphere of influence.

Watch Now >

When You Recognize that Abortion Ends Life, but Still Defend Abortion

By Heather Creekmore
From Care-Net.org
An article titled, “The Dishonesty of the Abortion Debate: Why we need to face the best arguments from the other side” recently appeared in The Atlantic. In it, Caitlin Flanagan eloquently attempts to defend abortion by addressing, what she believes, are both sides of the abortion argument. Unfortunately, her defense is greatly concerning to anyone who cares about the sanctity of human life...

Read the article from The Atlantic >

Anticipation and Hope in Advent

By Josh Bales
From BreakPoint.org
03 adventAs we enter into the season of Advent, Josh Bales writes, "It’s as if the Church says 'Christians, let your worship of God so pervade and define your identity that even your clocks and calendars remind you of the gospel!' I love this! And I find the observance of the liturgical calendar to be one of the most beneficial practices in my relationship with God." 

"So, if it’s true that God shapes our identity in worship, let’s ask, 'What parts of us will be brought into union with God by observing Advent and Christmas?' I see two ideas here..."

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Lessons on Confession from Psalm 51

By Bill Elliff
From OneCry.com
Spiritual confession "includes godly sorrow," writes Pastor Bill Elliff in this blog entry for OneCry.com. "It is not only saying the same thing God does about our sin, but having a broken heart that sees sin for what it really is and does with sin what God desires, which is to repent. Nowhere is this seen more vividly than in David’s prayer of confession in Psalm 51, following his adultery with Bathsheba..."

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The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers: An Interview with Amy Hollingsworth

By Jonathan Petersen with Amy Hollingsworth
From BibleGateway.com

05 fredrogers"He woke up at five every morning for a time of prayer, reflection, and Bible reading. It was his daily ritual because his faith was foundational to everything he did throughout the day," said writer Amy Hollingsworth in a recent interview. Hollingsworth is the author of The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers: Spiritual Insights from the World's Most Beloved Neighbor. With the release of a new movie about Fred Rogers, a number of recent articles have pointed to the role his faith played in his life and career. Here is the interview, and also an audio excerpt from Hollingsworth's book.

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Please Give by December 31

From Christian Union
As you consider your end-of-the-year giving please watch Parker's video, above, and know that your gift to Christian Union will help develop leaders like Parker at some of America's most strategic — and secular — universities and in key cities.

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Prayer Requests

Our university ministry fellows are finishing the last few Bible Course sessions of the term with their students. Please pray that Paul's messages in his letter to the Colossian church — which they've been studying — will be firmly planted in their hearts and minds and will result in deeper faith for all the participants. Please pause and take a moment to pray for our students, faculty, and staff, using Paul's prayer in Colossians 1:9-12 (quoted at top of this eNewsletter) as a model. This is a great prayer to pray for people in your life, as well.


Christmas is a time full of natural opportunities to talk about faith in Christ. Please pray with and for all those in the workplace, whether in major cities or in small communities, that believers would avail themselves to such opportunities. Pray for creativity and boldness to talk about the birth of Jesus, our celebration of his incarnation, and the meaning of it for all humanity. And please rejoice with us during this season of Advent and Christmas — praying that our hearts would be full of wonder and joy at God becoming man to redeem us.


Ask the Lord if He would have you take part in Day and Night’s ten-day fast, January 20-29, 2020. Prayerfully consider asking your church and Christian friends to take part as well. We need to humble ourselves before God on behalf of ourselves and our nation. May the Spirit lead many Christians to join in prayer and fasting for the reviving of God’s work in our land.

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