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Christian Union: The Magazine
December 31, 2019
The Sexual State; Fast with Believers Across America; Ten Questions for the New Year; When Passion Leads to Burnout; Last Chance to Make an End of the Year Gift and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.
— Haggai 1:5


The Sexual State

By Jennifer Roback Morse
From Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture
1 sexualstateWhat are the ideologies of the sexual revolution? How has it hurt people, and what role has the state played to enforce it? In a recent Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith and Culture podcast, hosts Scott Rae and Sean McDowell — professors at Biola University's Talbot School of Theology — interview Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse about her new book The Sexual State. Dr. Morse shares some powerful insights about the destructive ideologies behind the sexual revolution and how the church can better love and serve its victims.

Listen (or Read the Transcript) Now >

Fast with Believers Across America

From DayAndNight.org
Join fellow Christians across America in a ten-day fast this January 20-29. Our country needs the spiritual renewal that only God can bring. Choose to fast from all foods for the entire ten days — drinking only liquids — or fast one or two meals each day. However God leads, please participate! If you sign up as a participant on the Christian Union Day and Night website, you will receive a special devotional by email each morning of the fast.


Ten Questions for the New Year

By Don Whitney
From Desiring God
03 princetonfootballDon Whitney is professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is the author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible. Don suggests that "the beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up, and get our bearings. A great time for us to 'Consider our ways.' To that end, here are some questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God..."

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When Passion Leads to Burnout

By Jennifer Moss
From hbr.org
Whether you lead an organization or team — or are reviewing 2019 from a personal or professional perspective — you may find it helpful to consider this Harvard Business Review piece on the rapidly-growing problem of burnout.

Read Now >

Last Chance to Make an End of the Year Gift

From Christian Union

05 yaleAs 2019 comes to an end, please consider a special year-end financial gift to Christian Union. Your gift will accelerate the ministry's work to develop and connect transformative Christian leaders in New York and at some of the most influential — and secular — universities in America.

Please Give Now >   

Prayer Requests

Please join Christian Union in giving thanks for much fruit and all of the blessings God provided in 2019. Thank him for the faithful financial support of those who have made this ministry possible. Pray that CU's ministry faculty would be refreshed and strengthened as they prepare for the new year. Pray that students and professionals involved in Christian Union ministries would seek God more wholeheartedly and bear tremendous fruit in 2020.


Please pray that thousands would join with Christian Union by partiicpating in the upcoming fast, January 20-29, 2020. See the article above for more information.

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