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For many years a populist mindset has dominated Christian thinking about how to influence a society,...
February 12, 2020
America's Crisis of Contempt; Set Aside Time to Draw Near to God; A Decade in Review: Marital Norms Erode; On Prayer and Providence; Marriage and Ministry and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
— Matthew 5:43-45


America's Crisis of Contempt

By Arthur C. Brooks
From The Washington Post
01 brooksArthur C. Brooks' excellent keynote address at the National Prayer Breakfast last week in Washington, D.C.

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Set Aside Time to Draw Near to God

By Qwynn Gross
From ChristianUnion.org
This devotional, by Qwynn Gross, who is a Christian Union ministry fellow at Princeton University, was shared with all who participated in Christian Union's recent 10-day fast.

By grace we are living in the precious gift of time. Yet, as fleeting as it is slow, time is also the one commodity that is taken for granted by too many of us until it’s too late. The reality is, we appropriate and squander time in different ways, but within the same measure of 24 hours we each prove what we value most by what we do with our time; we prove where our allegiance is by how we...


A Decade in Review: Marital Norms Erode

By Ryan T. Anderson and Robert P. George
From USA Today
03 hiddenlifeA decade ago, President Barack Obama affirmed that marriage unites a man and woman. So did 45 states and the federal government. The only states to redefine marriage had done so through activist court rulings or, in 2009, legislative action. At the ballot box, citizens had uniformly voted against redefinition. A majority agreed with Obama.

Then, in 2012, Obama “evolved,” and the Supreme Court took cases involving marriage law. Nothing in the Constitution answered the actual question...

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On Prayer and Providence

By Griffin Gulledge
From The Gospel Coalition
"If he gives us what we ask for, it’s because of his great love. But the converse is also true (and what we so often miss): If the Lord isn’t giving us what we’re asking for, then he’s protecting us from it. Because God provides his children with only good gifts, any time he withholds from us we can be sure it’s because that blessing doesn’t serve his ultimate purpose: to conform us into the image of Christ..."

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Marriage and Ministry

From Christian Union: The Magazine

05 yaleIn September, Julian and Kianna Nunally began leading a Christian Union Bible Course for married Harvard Law School students and their spouses. The newlyweds wanted to minister together and connect with other couples.

Julian Nunally, Harvard ’17, is a third-year law student. Kianna Goldsberry Nunally, Harvard ’18, is an aspiring orthopedic surgeon who is spending the current academic year serving as a clinical research fellow...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for the non-Christian students who attend Christian Union Bible courses — that God would move powerfully in their hearts to draw them to himself, that the truth of the Gospel would become clear in their hearts, and that young men and women at each of the universities where Christian Union works would give their lives to Christ. Pray too for the Christian students in Bible courses — that they would walk with God closely and live out their faith boldly.


Please join CU New York in prayers of thanksgiving for the powerful ways in which God has moved in the lives of the women who attended our first DOXA conference a few weeks ago. We are encouraged by their testimonies of answered prayers, from healings to renewed hope to an increase in faith and courage.


Praise God with us. About 1,000 Christians from across the country participated in a ten-day fast and we are thankful to God for His mercy to us. Thank God for raising up the people of God to pray, fast and repent. May He bring about change and move in power today.

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