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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 27, 2020
How Do I Jumpstart My Prayer Life?; Join Us Live, Tonight, for the 2020 Collegiate Day of Prayer; Redeeming Your 401(k); On the Self-Censorship of Conservative Students; Is It Faithful to Flee an Epidemic? What Martin Luther Teaches Us About Coronavirus and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
— Matthew 25:49


How Do I Jumpstart My Prayer Life?

By John Piper
From John Piper
01 piperThe hard truth is we Christians don’t do very well [when it comes to prayer]. We’ve done some surveys over the years... and it’s pretty sad when we do them. I don’t like to do them. I get discouraged. We don’t pray very much. We pray at meals, maybe, unless we’re still stuck at the adolescent stage that thinks good habits are legalism. We may whisper prayers before a tough meeting...

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Join Us Live, Tonight, for the 2020 Collegiate Day of Prayer

From Collegiate Day of Prayer
Christian Union is pleased to partner with Collegiate Day of Prayer for a live evening of prayer and worship at Yale University — tonight! Please join us online or in-person for this broadcast, as believers across the nation unite in prayer for revival and awakening on the college campuses of America.


Redeeming Your 401(k)

By Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra
From The Gospel Coalition
03 eventideWhat does it look like for an asset management company to integrate biblical truth into planning and investments? To take seriously the question 'What is biblically responsible investing?' The Gospel Coalition recently ran a great profile on Eventide — a Christian Union ministry partner and highly-successful firm founded on biblical principles.

“We can strategically allocate our dollars toward culture-making that is moving the world closer to God’s original intent,” [Jason] Myhre told TGC. “That’s the exciting dimension—we’re expanding the beauty and provision of the garden across the world for human benefit and God’s glory.”

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On the Self-Censorship of Conservative Students

By Conor Friedersdorf
From The Atlantic
A classroom silence that an instructor might perceive as tacit agreement (or perhaps lackadaisical indifference) might, at least for some students, actually come from apprehension about the consequences of expressing specific viewpoints.

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Is It Faithful to Flee an Epidemic? What Martin Luther Teaches Us About Coronavirus

By Emmy Yang
From Christianity Today

05 emmy[Editor's note: This article was written by a Yale alumna who was influenced in her journey toward faith by Esther Soma '16, a student leader in Christian Union’s ministry at Yale, and others.]

In 1527, less than 200 years after the Black Death killed about half the population of Europe, the plague re-emerged in Luther’s own town of Wittenberg and neighboring cities. In his letter “Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague,” the famous reformer weighs the responsibilities of ordinary citizens during contagion. His advice serves as a practical guide for Christians confronting infectious disease outbreaks today.

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for that the Christian students at the universities where Christian Union works (whether they are involved in Christian Union or some other ministry) would be burdened to pray and that they would seek God fervently. If your heart is burdened to pray, please don't miss the Collegiate Day of Prayer that will be held tonight, at Yale (see above).


Please pray for an upcoming time (mid-March) of seeking God with a group of ten young professionals. These men will take 1.5 days to seek the Lord together through prayer, fasting and reading deeply in the Word — together. Please pray that this will be an enriching and life-changing experience for all of us.


Pray that Day and Night can effectively build up resilient Christians who continuously humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and forsake wickedness, so that God will hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land.

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