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Christian Union: The Magazine
For many years a populist mindset has dominated Christian thinking about how to influence a society,...
March 18, 2020

Wed, March 18 - Sun, April 26

Christian Union Day and Night invites you to join us in a 40-day initiative of prayer, fasting and repentance to meet the threat of the Coronavirus.

Click here to join the fast.

In times of crises, God desires that His people examine themselves and repent of everything displeasing to Him. We are to repent on behalf of ourselves and American Christianity which is largely self-indulgent and does not seek the Lord in holiness or wholehearted devotion. First-century Christians prayed and read the Scriptures every morning and evening, and fasted twice a week. Meanwhile, American Christians spend little energy seeking God and the church is therefore largely powerless. Most Christians don’t give at least ten percent of their income even though we are the richest country in the history of the world, and we pollute ourselves through movies and our own engagement with sexual immorality.


We will be abstaining from food in various forms, praying and repenting of sin, starting Wednesday, March 18th through Sunday, April 26th.

You may participate at whatever level the Lord calls you, including fasting just some meals, or fasting for a portion of the forty days. By signing up at dayandnight.org, each morning of the fast you’ll receive a special emailed devotion to keep you motivated to pray and fast as we face the trial of COVID-19. Perhaps this is a time when God desires to bring national revival as the attention of millions is disrupted from normal daily activities.

If you’re inexperienced in the biblical practice of fasting, I invite you to read our article What You Always Wondered about Fasting and browse the extensive Modern Resources on Fasting on our website, DayAndNight.org.