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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 8, 2020
Why Does God Allow the Coronavirus? A Live Conversation with Dr. Clay Jones ; Go Therefore and Make Disciples; 6 Works of Classical Music Every Christian Should Know; The Perfect Peace of God; The Nearness of God in Uncertain Times; N.T. Wright on Lament and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock."
— Isaiah 26:3-4


Why Does God Allow the Coronavirus? A Live Conversation with Dr. Clay Jones

By Dr. Sean McDowell and Dr. Clay Jones
01 clayjonesHow do we reconcile a good God with the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting suffering in the world? Dr. Sean McDowell discusses with Dr. Clay Jones, the author of Why Does God Allow Evil?

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Go Therefore and Make Disciples

By Tom Campisi
From Christian Union: The Magazine
Andrew Lin is committed to the biblical mandate of making disciples. Lin is a member of Christian Union Nova, the Christian Union ministry at Princeton. The computer science major from Dallas, Texas, serves as a co-leader of Nova’s discipleship team, a group of upperclassmen who regularly meet with younger students to study the Bible, pray, and serve as mentors. An attacker on the Princeton water polo team, Lin is passionate about “helping to lead others in their walk with Christ” and has also started a Bible study for teammates. He recalled the impact discipleship made on him when he was a freshman.


6 Works of Classical Music Every Christian Should Know

By Jeremy Begbie
From The Gospel Coalition
03 musicTheologian Jeremy Begbie recently reminded readers of the depth, beauty, and power of classical music — and its relevance in difficult seasons of life. "Listening to classical music," Begbie suggests, "can be a great way to calm down and de-stress in these anxious times." Here are six works of classical music he recommends (with links to listen on Spotify and Apple Music).

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The Perfect Peace of God

By Fady Ghobrial
From Christian Union Day & Night
The following is a devotional sent to all participants in Christian Union Day & Night's 40-Day Fast. Sign up for the remainder of the fast at DayandNight.org. 

Ever since our expulsion from God’s Garden of Eden, humanity has always lacked perfect peace. We strive, we groan; we are hurt and we hurt others. As sinners, by nature and choice, we regularly fail God, ourselves and one another. We feel far from God, the earth yields thorns and thistles, and life disappoints us.

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The Nearness of God in Uncertain Times

By Kelly Minter
From Lifeway

05 kmIf you’re anything like me over the past few weeks you’ve been vacillating between a confident trust in God and waves of panic and fear. For those of us who are Christ followers we want to trust the Lord but we get tripped up on wondering what exactly we can trust Him for—can we count on Him to spare us from looming hardship and make sure everything turns out okay on our terms? We know He’s bigger, greater, higher, stronger, but what does that mean for the very real and ominous threats we’re facing?

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NT Wright on Lament

By N.T. Wright
From Time
"Lament is what happens when people ask, “Why?” and don’t get an answer. It’s where we get to when we move beyond our self-centered worry about our sins and failings and look more broadly at the suffering of the world." N.T. Wright explores what God gives his people in a time of suffering and pestilence— a savior who suffers and grieves with us.

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Prayer Requests

In New York City and at the universities where Christian Union has established ministries, the actual work of ministry has changed overnight. It is conducted online, via Zoom and other web-based tools. Please pray that God would use this time of uncertainty to draw many to Himself. Pray that he would create a spiritual hunger in people's hearts, and that God would work powerfully in and through our ministry faculty as they continue to invest in the lives of others.


Our prayers are regularly aimed at national revival, but even more so during this coronavirus crisis. Pray for Christians to return to God with fresh repentance, prayer, and fasting. Pray for non-Christians to come to Christ. We invite you to unite your prayers with us and thousands of American believers as we continue 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance.

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