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April 18, 2020

We Do Not Have a Spirit of Fear

Saturday, April 18, 2020


Fernando Cabrera has proudly served as the NYC Council Member representing the 14th district in the Bronx since January 2010. He is also senior pastor of New Life Outreach International in the Bronx. He is a former program director for the Mental Health and Counseling program at Mercy College, where he also taught for 12 years. Council Member Cabrera earned a B.A. in Religion from Southern California College, M.A. in Counseling from Liberty University and a Doctorate in Counseling from Argosy University. He is married to Elvia Cabrera, and is a father of two and grandfather of five.


So good that you could join me today. I want to take you to 2 Timothy 1:7, where the Bible says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and sound mind." I want to tell you that I know there are many people who are feeling very anxious during this time. There's fear, and fear has to do with the future. A threat that we're feeling that is upon us.

But I want to encourage you to live in the moment. The Bible says, "Don't worry about—don't be anxious about—tomorrow, for today you have enough cares." I want you today to find yourself in the arms of God, to find yourself in the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

The word anxious literally means a divided mind. You're divided. This is instability. There's this sense that you're not stable, but I want to tell you today that you serve the Almighty God. The book of Revelation, Chapter 1 says that, "He is the Lord Almighty, who was, who is, and is to come. He is the God Almighty." That Greek word literally means the God whose hand is upon everything.

Can I tell you this today? The God that you serve, His hands are upon every aspect of your life. There is not a moment in your life where there is something where God's hands are not upon, because the day you gave your life to Jesus—the day you gave your life to Jesus—that's the day that God took over your life.

So may today we arrive to the place of surrender where we can say, "God, I give You everything. I will fear no evil, for Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. You're a wall of shields about me, and You're the glory among us, You are my hope and my salvation. I shall not fear. God bless you.