"Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy himand show him my salvation."
— Psalm 91:14-16
Trusting in God in Difficult Times
From Gospel in Life

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.’”
Pastor Tim Keller examines Psalm 91 and unpacks what we should expect from God in the midst of trying times.
Watch Now >
Repent of Loving Money
By Jane HendricksonFrom ChristianUnion.org
“It is for our own good that we are warned,” a friend of mine quipped in response to my question, “What is it about the love of money that is so dangerous?”
It's controversial, right? We are told both that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil and that money is a sign of God's blessing and care. Money is both the root of many evils and a source of many blessings. With it, we may hoard and starve our neighbor or bless and feed our neighbor. It is the necessary means of providing for ourselves and our families, and yet it can tear people and families apart.
The Coronavirus and the Church

Digitial Worship May Create America's Next Spiritual Awakening >
How the Coronavirus MIght Change Church Forever >
Coronavirus Could Kill Consumer Christianity >
The Moral Meaning of the Plague
By David BrooksFrom The New York Times
It can all seem so meaningless. Some random biological mutation sweeps across the globe, murdering thousands, lacerating families and pulverizing dreams.
Life and death can seem completely arbitrary. Religions and philosophies can seem like cruel jokes. The only thing that matters is survival. Without the inspiration of a higher meaning, selfishness takes over.
Read More >
Uncovering Calling
By Anne Kerhoulas
From ChristianUnion.org

Read More >
CU Alumni Webinar
By Christine FosterFrom Christian Union Alumni Engagement
Christian Union alumni, please join us for a special webinar designed to encourage you in the midst of this challenging time. It will take place this Sunday, April 26, 2020, at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST. Jim Black, who works with athletes at Stanford as part of Christian Union Caritas — and formerly directed CU’s ministry to undergraduate students at Columbia, will lead our time by sharing from God’s word. Christian Union Alumni will receive an invitation via email. If you do not receive an invitation in the next 48 hours but are part of our alumni and would like to take part, please contact Christine Foster, CU's vice president of alumni engagement.
Christian Union ministry faculty continue to lead Bible courses and have discipleship meetings via Zoom. Please pray that students would grow in spiritual maturity and that the Lord would use this time to draw unbelievers to Himself.
We rejoice in a tremendous CU New York forum last Monday with Dr. Lydia Dugdale. This was our first foray into hosting our large events in a webinar format. Thank you for your participation and prayers as we continue to draw the community of faith into these conversations; they encourage and equip us as we continue to live faithfully in these times.
Pray for CU Day and Night’s new twice-daily video devotionals, which continue as we near the end of our 40 days of prayer, repentance, and fasting. You can view and share these videos on our webpage. Pray that God would use these devotionals to spread a passion for seeking God with all our hearts.
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