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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
July 1, 2020
Life Chat: Roland Warren's Thoughts on Racial Reconciliation; CU New York Forum with Justin Earley: Spiritual Rhythms in Times of Crisis; Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms to Ourselves; 2020: The Gift Nobody Wanted; A Medical Missions Mindset; 4 Ways Not to Be a Jerk Online and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
— Psalm 103:8


Life Chat: Roland Warren's Thoughts on Racial Reconciliation

By Roland Warren
From YouTube
01 rolandRoland Warren, the president and CEO of Care Net, is a member of the Christian Union Board of Trustees. In this interview, posted on the Care Net website, Roland discusses justice, mercy, forgiveness and what it means to be on God's side.

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CU New York Forum with Justin Earley: Spiritual Rhythms in Times of Crisis

By Justin Earley
From Christian Union
Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author and speaker from Richmond, VA. His book, The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, challenges believers to consider their habits and how they shape their daily lives as Christians. In this talk, Earley digs into how crisis challenges and reveals our habits, and how God might be using the crises our nation are facing to produce character and hope in Christians.

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Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms to Ourselves

By Juan R. Sanchez
From LifeWay
03 psalmsThis article for pastors, from a pastor, is equally relevant for laypeople as it directs our attention to the power of the Psalms. Sanchez addresses the spiritual exhaustion he is experiencing while calling believers to preach the Word of God to themselves.

"We’ve all heard of the term “cabin fever.” In 2020, not only have we experienced it, we’ve updated our cultural dictionary with a new phrase: “Zoom fatigue.” The coronavirus has worn us down..."

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2020: The Gift Nobody Wanted

By Carmen Joy Imes
From Christianity Today
Carmen Imes reflects upon the unusually difficult year of 2020 and reminds readers to consider what God is doing.

"I think it’s safe to say that when 2020 is over, the world will breathe a collective sigh of relief. (Well, those who survive it will, which is clearly not enough of us.) Just when we think we’re nearing the end of one crisis, another begins. We’re only halfway through the year, but it’s been brutal. Absolutely brutal..."

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A Medical Missions Mindset

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union

05 anaHarvard College junior Ana Yee is pursuing a career centered around medical missionary service, hopefully in underserved communities in the Horn of Africa.

“We only get one chance on the earth,” said Yee ’21. “I want to do what I can to live a life that is faithful.”

Following graduation in 2021, Yee is hoping to intern with Ethiopian hospitals to bolster an expanding resume that includes a series of short-term missions throughout her secondary and collegiate years. Long-term, the history of science major envisions herself stationed abroad as a missionary, possibly specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. “It’s really a privilege to bring life into the world,” said Yee.

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4 Ways Not to Be a Jerk Online

By Matt Smethurst
From Gospel Coalition
The internet can be exhausting. And that’s on the good days.

The pull of our screens—and the interactions they mediate—is often more spiritually taxing than we realize or care to admit. I have yet to hear someone return from a digital fast and say, “Wow, that was terrible.” Usually it’s more like, “Wow, I feel human again.”

Scripture calls us to “honor everyone” (1 Pet. 2:17). Obeying that command has never been easy, but has it ever been harder than in our social media age?

Thankfully, God’s Word gives us guidance. Here are four ways to be a faithful Christian online.

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Prayer Requests

Please pray that the students involved in our ministries would grow in godliness and joy this summer even in the midst of disappointment and uncertainty. Pray for our ministry faculty to be refreshed and encouraged as they begin to prepare for the fall and continue to minister to students via zoom.

With summer fully upon us, I think of this time as the growing season - good seeds have been planted and watered, and we begin to see the visible fruit of that. Please pray for the continued growth of Christians in New York as they more fully embrace their calling and spheres of influence in which to minister. Please pray for those not of faith but who have heard the Gospel - that they will meditate on these truths and respond.


Pray that American Christians will be inspired to greater godly action as we celebrate the founding of our nation. As we remember the sacrifice and courage of men and women of God in past generations, may we now answer the call of our time to fight spiritually for God’s mercy on our land.

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