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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
July 15, 2020
Have We Lost Conviction?; Humble Yourself and Fast; Religious Liberty is Important, But It's Not Enough; The Gospel Takes Center Stage in 'Hamilton'; Remaining Steadfast Under Trial; The Spiritual Summer Vacation and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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"Have you seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the disaster in his days; but in his son’s days I will bring the disaster upon his house."
— 1 Kings 21:29


Have We Lost Conviction?

By Dimas Salaberrios
From Christian Union
01 rolandPastor Dimas Salaberrios, the author of Street God, is also a Christian Union ministry associate. In this video, he challenges Christians to be people of conviction — firm in their beliefs, walking in faith and speaking with boldness.

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Humble Yourself and Fast

By David Mathis
From Desiring God
Am I humble? It’s a tough question to answer. For one, humble people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about themselves, especially their own humility. But it may be a constructive question to ask on occasion. And what if you started that next self-evaluation by asking, “When’s the last time I fasted?”

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Religious Liberty is Important, But It's Not Enough

By Ryan T Anderson
From Public Discourse
03 libertyThe past two weeks brought welcome rulings from the Supreme Court on religious liberty. We should celebrate these victories, because religious liberty is an authentic natural and human right. But it’s not enough. And even the best of religious liberty wins can’t adequately contend in a proxy war over substantive issues.

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The Gospel Takes Center Stage in 'Hamilton'

By Sarah Arthur and Kevin Cloud
From Christianity Today
Hamilton swept our nation up in song and history in 2016 when it debuted, but the Broadway musical continues to speak prophetically to our nation as an "invaluable lens on both our current moment and our Christian responsibilities within it." This inteview between Christianity Today and Kevin Cloud, a pastor and the author of God and Hamilton: Spiritual Themes from the Life of Alexander Hamilton and the Broadway Musical, examines the profound role of the gospel in this cultural phenomenon.

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Remaining Steadfast Under Trial

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union

05 hlsChristian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law School celebrated a major milestone in December, just before a spring semester that would require students to maintain their faith and fellowship under difficult circumstances.

After concentrated work from a group of student leaders, Harvard Law School recognized Christian Union Gloria Law as an official organization, six years after it was launched. With recognition status, the ministry can reserve space on campus and gain better access to students while providing strategic leadership training.


The Spiritual Summer Vacation

By Anne Kerhoulas
From Christian Union
Anne Kerhoulas is a writer for Christian Union. Prior to becoming a writer, she served for six years as a Christian Union ministry fellow at Harvard, teaching and discipling young women there. In this article she reflects on the challenges of slowing down during the summer months that she and students faced.

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Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for our ministry faculty and students as they prepare to enter an unusual fall semester. Since many students will continue their education remotely online, pray that the Lord would meet them in new ways and open new doors for ministry. Pray that the Lord would use these exceptional circumstances to make himself known and bring glory to His name.

Christian Union New York is committed to seeking the spiritual awakening and transformation of the city. It is through Christ that we understand truth and justice, so please join us in praying for Christians to speak and act in redemptive ways in every corner and sphere of the city.


Pray for wisdom as CU Day and Night gives leadership to Christians in America during this tumultuous time. Pray for the name of the Lord to be lifted high in our country. Pray that we as Christians walk rightly with God and bear the light, truth, and healing that our neighbors need.

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