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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
September 23, 2020
Truth in a Time of Crisis; Rowan Williams: Theological Education Is For Everyone; A Legacy of Faith; Can Faith Healing Work by Phone? Charismatic Christians Try Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus; Spiritual Consultants at the Gates of a Great Unraveling;  Don't Lose Heart in Prayer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
—  2 Corinthians 4:5-6


Truth in a Time of Crisis

By Ravi Zacharias
From YouTube
01 raviIn this RZIM video series, the late Ravi Zacharias teaches on being made in the image of God and how Christians are able to reflect the splendor of Christ. Zacharias challenges us to live in conformity to Christ as stewards of the gospel who do not compromise our convictions of truth or our compassion in how we communicate.

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Rowan Williams: Theological Education Is For Everyone

By Rowan Williams and Benjamin Wayman
From Christianity Today
As part of a project to reimagine theological education in the 21st century, theology professor Benjamin Wayman met with Rowan Williams, the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury and Master of Magdalene College at Cambridge University. Over a cup of tea at the Master’s Lodge, Wayman and Williams discussed the nature of theological education, which Williams likened to a strange landscape requiring new patterns and preparations for do-dietary-supplements-work.com. For Williams, Christian education and formation are like learning to camp in a new land, a new creation.

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A Legacy of Faith

By Anne Kerhoulas
From Christian Union
03 legacyThe chaos of the developing pandemic and learning that the spring semester would conclude remotely could not deter students in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard (CU Gloria) from celebrating and honoring their graduating seniors.

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Can Faith Healing Work by Phone? Charismatic Christians Try Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus

By Michelle Boorstein
From The Washington Post
Roy and Darlene Curry say that they — like all believing Christians — have the power to miraculously heal the sick. Roy once raised a friend from the dead right at the coffin, he says. A few years ago at their house church in Severn, Md., the couple laid hands on the cancer-riddled body of a young woman who was soon disease-free.

These days, the Currys are praying for guidance on how to heal in the socially distant era of the coronavirus.

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Spiritual Consultants at the Gates of a Great Unraveling

By  David Zahl
From Mockingbird

05 consultantsIn response to a New York Times piece called "God is dead. So is the office. These people want to save both," David Zahl, of Mockingbird, reflects upon the pursuit of righteousness in our work and why it is faltering.

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Don't Lose Heart in Prayer

By Tucker Else
From Christian Union Day and Night
In this devotional for CU Day and Night's current seeking God initiative, CU Martus ministry director, Tucker Else, examines the power of persistent prayer and exhorts believers to pursue our God who promises to hear us.

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Prayer Requests

Pray that the Lord would be at work in powerful ways on the campuses where Christian Union serves. Pray for revival and that the hearts of students would be transformed by the love of Christ.

Please pray with us for our incoming 2020 alumni. We are so excited to welcome them to NYC and fold them into Christian Union’s ministry. Pray that the Lord would firmly establish them in a spiritual home and Christian community. As CU New York pairs new alumni with older alumni as mentors, pray for excellent matches and deep fellowship to emerge from them.


Ask the Father to pour out a spirit of prayer and repentance on His people. Pray for the daily devotionals that CU Day and Night is sending each day of Seeking God in September. May the Holy Spirit use them to draw us nearer to Him.

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