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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
October 14, 2020
God Our Dwelling Place; "You Will Be My Witnesses"; What is the Basis for Christian Ethics?; Why Doubt Can Give You Hope; The Discipline of Remembering; How Garbage Collectors Can Refresh Our Theology and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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“For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory.”
—  Colossians 3:3-4


God Our Dwelling Place

By Ken Fish
From YouTube
01 ken"Before there were mountains, before the earth was created or even the world itself, You were there, God. You were constant and You were eternal." In this short devotional from Christian Union Day & Night, Ken Fish, Founder of Orbis Ministries, says that Moses' words found in Psalm 90 give us comfort in this time of the coronavirus.

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"You Will Be My Witnesses"

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, students involved with Christian Union Nova at Princeton University took a deep dive into evangelism.

During April and May, about fifteen students participated in video conference calls to discover how to share the Good News more effectively in their everyday lives, both on campus and beyond.

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What is the Basis for Christian Ethics?

By Russell Moore
From The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
03 ethicsChristian ethics are the overflow of a way connected to the Way, of truths anchored in the Truth, of a life rooted in the Life. Christian ethics can include complicated philosophical and existential reflections about the most complex of personal or social dilemmas. But, at its heart, Christian ethics is about hearing the voice of Jesus—maybe around a campfire—saying what he has said to us from the beginning, “Come, follow me.”

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Why Doubt Can Give You Hope

By Lee Strobel
From Relevant
I know I’ve gone through bouts of doubt that felt like they could be lethal to my faith. How about you?

Perhaps you’ve questioned whether God has really forgiven you or whether He can keep forgiving you when, as a Christian, you’ve failed to do what you knew He was telling you to do. Or you’ve wondered whether the Bible can be trusted. Or you can’t reconcile the world’s suffering with a loving God. Or you’ve read an article by a skeptical scientist or liberal theologian that kicked the legs of your faith right out from under you.

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The Discipline of Remembering

By  Anne Kerhoulas
From Gospel Centered Discipleship

05 gcdRemembering is difficult in the midst of our busy days and future plans. But if Christians hope to live faithful, joyful, and Jesus-centered lives, we cannot afford to forget. We must practice the discipline of remembering. Remembering God’s story is a fundamental Christian practice. 


How Garbage Collectors Can Refresh Our Theology

By Gustavo H.R. Santos
From Cardus
Some questions have the power to change our lives. Five years ago, I decided to leave a management consulting career in Brazil to study theology in Canada. “I’m following my vocation,” I said to a friend, “and that’s what everybody should do.” As good friends do, he listened carefully and, as sensible people do, he expanded my imagination with a question: “Do you really believe that garbage collectors, for instance, care about vocation?” The question pierced my soul, but I was not yet ready to acknowledge the rawness of my theories. “I don’t know if they do,” I responded. “What I know is that I do.” How considerate. I clearly needed some help.

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Prayer Requests

Join us in praying for our campus faculty as they continue to disciple, teach, and coach students. Though some campuses allow for small in-person gatherings, much of their ministry is virtual. Pray for endurance and wisdom in their Zoom calls, that the Spirit would be at work even at a distance, and that this challenging season of ministry would bear great fruit for God's kingdom.

Many churches in NYC are not yet open for fellowship. Please pray for Christians to remain connected and find creative ways to see each other face to face, and that we at Christian Union NY can effectively facilitate Christian community. Pray that CU NY will establish tight mentorship connections with our new alumni coming into the city and as we branch out to identify other Christian professionals in positions of influence. May we find one another, widen our networks, and continue to unite for a move of God across the city. If you know Christians who would benefit from our mission, please connect us!


Ask the Father to pour out a spirit of prayer and repentance on His people. Pray for the daily devotionals that CU Day and Night is sending each day of Seeking God in September. May the Holy Spirit use them to draw us nearer to Him.

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Thank God for the way that his Church throughout the nation embraced repentance and prayer through CU Day and Night’s "Seeking God in September" and "The Return" and "Prayer March" in Washington D.C. Pray for the Lord to work these ideals into American Christians even more until we are fully alive for Christ.