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Christian Union: The Magazine
“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
December 1, 2020

You can help!


You can do even more to help Christian Union thrive. Help the ministry bring on more Cornerstone Partners on Giving Tuesday (December 1, 2020) by sharing why you value the ministry. Here are six easy steps:


  1. Choose your method — written or video. If you are writing, consider including a photo or a link like this one (Why Leaders Matter). Photos or videos can give your message more traction. 

2. Start with this: I am thankful for Christian Union because…

3. Add you own specific example or explanation.

4. Include the link so your friends can become partners:

Click here to join me as a Christian Union Cornerstone Partner (Optional) Add hashtags: #GivingTuesday #ChristianUnion #christianleaders #transformculture

5. Share in whatever way works best for you, your friends, and your family

Post on Facebook or Instagram, tweet on Twitter, share on LinkedIn, send by text, email, or GroupMe. Or simply call a friend and tell them.

6. Share with Christian Union. Tag Christian Union on social media. If you are willing to have CU share your story on social media, send it to christine.foster@christianunion.org by 12:00 pm ET on November 30.

Here is an example:

I am thankful for Christian Union because I know God is using the ministry to grow faithful leaders who will transform culture. Today, on Giving Tuesday, click here to join me as a Christian Union Cornerstone Partner. #GivingTuesday #ChristianUnion #christianleaders 

Please contact Christine Foster with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!