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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
January 13, 2021
Demons and Disease, Healing and Deliverance; The Beauty of God's Home; An Apologetics Toolbox; Mental Health Improved For Only One Group During COVID: Those Who Attended Church Weekly; God, Freedom, and Love and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.—  1 Corinthians 1:10


Demons and Disease, Healing and Deliverance

By Fady Ghobrial
From Bridgeway Church Vimeo
mbDr. Michael Brown is the founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries and the FIRE School of Ministry. In this talk from the Convergence Conference at Bridgeway Church, Dr. Brown teaches about the presence of demons and the church's role and responsibility to heal and deliver in the name of Jesus.

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The Beauty of God's Home

By Laurel Copp
From Day and Night
I made it 2 months into COVID until I had to go home. I was drained from countless Zoom meetings, making what seemed like millions of meals for my kids, being in the company of only one other person with more than a 1st grade education, and maybe from just having to be an adult all the time. I needed to go home. Instead of telling everyone that it was going to be ok, I needed to be told it was going to be ok. Instead of battling kids into naptime, I needed a rest. Instead of holding it all together, I needed to be held. Instead of being responsible for everything, I needed to be where I could enjoy someone else’s order.

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An Apologetics Toolbox

By Kelly Parks
From Christian Union
toolkit“Why do Christians believe what they believe?” It’s a question that has intrigued our world for centuries. While cultural Christianity may have sufficed as a reason for some to associate with the Church in years past, in our increasingly secular age, Christians must think more critically about what they believe, and more importantly, why they believe it.

Luke Bell is a current sophomore at Yale University and has participated in Christian Union Lux since he first came to my-pharm-blog.com. After placing his faith in Christ in middle school, Bell began to wrestle with difficult questions during his high school years. How could he know the Bible was the word of God? How did Jesus physically rise from the dead? As these questions began to weigh more heavily on his mind, Bell began his investigation to find their answers by studying contemporary Christian apologetics.

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Americans' Mental Health Ratings Sink to New Low

By Megan Brenan
From Gallup
Thirty-four percent of Americans rate their mental health as excellent, eight points lower than any other reading in Gallup’s 20-year trend. However, one group reports very little change in mental health: frequent churchgoers.

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God, Freedom, and Love

By Tim Keller
From Gospel in Life
kellerIn this thoughtful and wonderfully practical article, Tim Keller unpacks the complex dynamics of how the church can and should relate to culture based on what we learn from the church in Corinth. In these polarizing times, he invites the church to walk the line of submitting to scripture and one another out of love while still exercising our freedom in Christ.

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for wisdom for universities as they make plans for the spring semester. Pray that students would draw near to the Lord in powerful ways over their Christmas breaks and that they would grow in their desire to pursue the Lord regardless of their circumstances in the spring semester.

Please pray that we will expand our reach to more professional Christian leaders in 2021. We desire to maximize our impact for the kingdom and we are focusing on broadening our ministry base in the NYC area in January and February. If you have friends, colleagues, family, or church friends in the NY/NJ area who are Christian professionals with a desire to promote revival and equip and empower Christian leaders, we want to know them! Please connect us. You can email me or connect us at karen.hetzler@christianunion.org


Pray for all those participating in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for 2021. Ask God to strengthen them during the fast, to draw close to them, and to answer their prayers for themselves, their communities, and our nation. And if you are just hearing about this fast, it is not too late to join!

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Thank God for the way that his Church throughout the nation embraced repentance and prayer through CU Day and Night’s "Seeking God in September" and "The Return" and "Prayer March" in Washington D.C. Pray for the Lord to work these ideals into American Christians even more until we are fully alive for Christ.