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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
May 17, 2021

Andy Crouch: "We Are Not Going Back" 

The past year has shaken every corner of our world. But Andy Crouch saw a lot of what is happening today coming back in March of 2020. Crouch, the partner of theology and culture at Praxis, made a few prescient statements about the length of the looming pandemic, the cultural shifts that were coming for us, and, most importantly, saying, “We are not going back.”

2017 Andy Crouch 2294 wide squareAndy Crouch This Gospelbound interview hosted by Collin Hansen explores the radical cultural shifts that have happened over the past fourteen months and attempts to peer around the corner of what might be coming next. From changes in work rhythms, an over-consumption of media, a lack of true rest, virtual church, and a nation in uproar, Crouch delves into how we as individuals, a nation, and the church are emerging from what will likely be the most formative and notable year of our lives. 

For the church, this year has been one of rapid decline. Whether it was the shifting political landscape or the ability to “check-out” once church went virtual, 33% of congregants no longer identify with or attend the church they did before the pandemic. This massive shift has enormous consequences as congregations attempt to welcome members back in person, only to find that their church could not look more different. 

Furthermore, Crouch believes that though our culture might experience something akin to the roaring ’20s, this will not be the experience of the church. Humans are hungry for social interaction, but will not be turning to the church to find it. 

Though much of these predictions and cultural changes sound dire, they are precisely why it is so essential to be making disciples, teaching the Word, and seeking the Lord with all our hearts. Christian Union is doing just this on our campuses, in NYC, and through Day and Night, our online ministry that seeks to stir up the hearts of American Christians to pursue the Lord and see revival sweep across our nation.

Read the full article here.