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May 13, 2021

Christian Union Manual Satisfies Hungry Souls

PORTLAND, USA - JULY 2 2017: Man is holding a pen in his hand with an open book lying in fornt of him

By Dr. Chuck Hetzler

Marc Minella, of Kingston, Massachusetts, was searching for a discipleship course that could feed his hunger for the Lord. When Marc downloaded the Seeking God Lifestyle manual from Christian Union Day and Night’s website, God met him in remarkable ways.

Here is how Marc describes his experience:

I started the lessons and I could immediately feel a divine attraction to the material and a feeling of clarity and understanding washed over me. I spent a couple hours in the materials, finishing four lessons in that one sitting. I could not stop reading the materials and answering the study questions. It was like eating a steak and ice cream dinner after a week-long backpacking trip. I walked away from the material, but kept thinking about it and how God’s light and love were on the actual materials and the Bible study was anointed! 

Like Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 through His twelve disciples, Marc’s spiritual meal wasn’t meant to be for himself alone. The Lord had a larger providential purpose for his discovery of the Seeking God Lifestyle manual. Again, in Marc’s own words:

That evening I had my weekly life group meeting via zoom. When the teaching began the subjects were almost identical to what I had gone over in the materials earlier that afternoon.  Then a member of the group asked a question about the difference in being baptized in the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit and I recalled reading about that very topic earlier that day. I found the lesson where it talks about the difference and I had the passage already highlighted. When the life group leader asked the question, I was able to answer it because the Lord had led me there and even had me highlight the exact question and answer in preparation for that night! Praise God! Thank you Father for filling the world with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord!

Over the past eleven months, more than 2,700 people have downloaded the Seeking God Lifestyle manual from Christian Union Day and Night’s website. Individuals and small groups are utilizing this free five-lesson Bible study guide to deepen their walk with God and their understanding of what it means to seek God as He requires. 

The Seeking God Lifestyle (SGL) explores seven specific and sometimes forgotten ways in which we ought to pursue God. These seven practices originate from the Scriptures first and foremost, but the SGL explains how these principles operated in the lives of Christians historically and today in the international church. The e-book combines in-depth Bible study with practical application, yet the goal of the manual does not stop with personal growth. The ultimate aim of the SGL is to resource national revival. 

The reason that the United States is in spiritual decline is that the church in America is grieving the Holy Spirit. As a whole, Christians in America are self-indulgent and love ourselves and pleasure more than God. Our lifestyles do not please the Lord, and therefore, the Holy Spirit does not work among us in the fullness of His power. We must repent and return to a way of living day-in and day-out that is in accordance with His Scriptures and acceptable to Him. Then the Father will send the Spirit to us in wonder-working power and we will see a spiritual revolution in our churches and across our communities in the US. 

You can download your free SGL below to learn more. Let us know how God uses this revival resource in your own life. 

Dr. Chuck Hetzler is the executive director of Christian Union Day and Night, a ministry that promotes spiritual strengthening in Christians across America, helping them thrive in order to make an impact in an increasingly secular culture by covenanting together for successive spiritual initiatives.

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