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Christian Union: The Magazine
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
July 6, 2021

Learning to Engage for the Sake of Mission   

Christian leaders falling from grace has become a routine headline over the past few years. Our leaders have been caught in abuse, scandals, addiction, or lavish spending of church funds, leaving a trail of wreckage in the congregations they led, but also a bad impression on a watching world. It appears that Christians, who declare love and grace and humility with their lips, are often living a life that is out of sync with their declared good news. The word for this is hypocrisy, and it’s hurting the church more than ever.

Urban girl standing out from the crowd at a city street.

Christianity was once the norm in our nation and abroad, but more and more our culture is becoming post-Chrisitan. And as that transition happens before our eyes, believers must be more aware than ever of what our post-Christian culture believes about us and the God we worship.

Sam Allberry, a writer, apologist, and pastor, unpacks the change in attitude towards pastors in particular. Pastors were once regarded as reputable and trustworthy members of society, but have more recently come to represent an ideology that, at best, is viewed as unpopular, and, at worst, is perceived as hateful. As a visible face for the church, pastors face cultural backlash over a slew of topics. But it isn’t just pastors who are having to learn how to be agile in addressing concerns, anger, or hurt winsomely—all Christians must continue to learn how to engage a wary culture for the sake of mission. 

In this short video, Allberry unpacks a handful of modern stumbling blocks for non-Christians, how believers might humbly and lovingly listen, and how we can build trust with a world that is skeptical of Christianity. 

Christian Union aims to engage culture with winsome gospel truth, persuading skeptics and non-Christians of the great love of Christ. Through teaching and coaching students at top universities, mentoring professionals in strategic cities, and much more, Christian Union works to produce bold faith for the sake of our nation and the world.  

Watch the video here.