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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
August 2, 2021

Rachel Gilson Talks About Sexuality and Gender Identity

In a culture that continues to become increasingly focused on sexuality and gender identity, Christians of all ages must be willing to engage with our culture in thoughtful, godly, and theologically sound ways.

In the university setting, this topic is of utmost importance because there may be no more important issue than gender identity and justice for marginalized people for Generation Z. Even more, students who do not agree with mainstream thinking about gender fluidity quickly become marginalized themselves, their beliefs labeled as hateful, cruel, and ignorant.

feb 11 brown edited copyIn this episode of The Gospel Coalition Q&A, Rachel Gilson answers four important questions that Gen Z people have about gender identity and sexuality. Gilson, who experiences same-sex attraction while maintaining a biblical sexual ethic, speaks to how we can think biblically about sexual desire as something that points us to a deep desire for God, how to love those who identify as LGBT while maintaining biblical beliefs, how to protect, listen, and invite those who are struggling, and the tools people with same-sex attraction need to remain faithful to the Lord. 

Gilson shares that as a person who experiences same-sex attraction, she never would have made it through especially difficult times without God’s Spirit, God’s Word, and God’s people. She comments that as believers we have all we need in Christ to walk through the issues of gender identity and sexuality with grace, love, and confidence in our Savior. 

Christian Union is committed to equipping and training university students to think critically about cultural values surrounding sexuality. Scripture has much to say about what our sexuality is designed for and how we are meant to use it. To that end, Christian Union teaches a course to first-year students called Sex and Spirituality to teach students the beautiful purposes for our bodies, sexuality, marriage, and singleness. Christian Union is willing to have the hard conversations with students so that they might be prepared to give an explanation of their beliefs in winsome, loving, and honest ways. 

Listen to the full episode here.