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August 12, 2021

Dr. Matthew Suh Speaks at NYCU Salon

Dr. Matthew Suh, a Harvard-educated surgeon, retired from the operating room to become a practitioner of ministry that is focused on proclaiming the good news of the gospel and supernatural healing.

On June 24, 2021, Suh was the featured speaker at a salon sponsored by Christian Union New York entitled “Healing and Evangelism: Necessary Spark Plugs for Revival Today?” The salon, held at Christian Union’s Columbia Center in Manhattan, featured a lecture that was followed by question and answer session and ministry times.

A defining moment in Dr. Suh’s career path came when he was healed of a shoulder injury at a Christian Union conference. Before the healing, the injury required surgery.

“Dr. Suh became convinced of God’s power and readiness to still heal today,” said Karen Hetzler, Assistant Ministry Director for CUNY.

3 SUHToday, Suh practices healing prayer alongside evangelism in public spaces in New York City. At the salon, he challenged attendees to consider whether evangelism coupled with supernatural healing may be the spark plugs that we need to corporately pursue revival in our nation.

In his message, Suh used examples from scripture to show the connection between the preaching of the gospel and demonstrations of the power of God through the Holy Spirit.

“Healing was not incidental to Jesus's ministry,” said Suh. “In Matthew 9:35, the Bible says, ‘Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.’ ”

Suh also noted how deliverance was also part of the Jesus mission statement, referencing Luke 4:18 when Jesus proclaimed, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed…”

“Not only did Jesus do it (deliverance), he also commanded the disciples to do it,” said Suh. “He gave them power and authority over all demons and the power to cure diseases. And he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God…”

Suh challenged attendees to walk in the power of the gospel and reach those outside of our church buildings; The Greek word for church, ecclesia, actually refers to “called out ones” and not a building, he said.

“We misunderstand what revival is, so we are not able to translate it to those who are outside of the church,” he said. “We misunderstand what the church is. It took something like the year 2020 and COVID-19 to show us that the church is not the building. Buildings were shut down, but the church wasn't destroyed.”

Suh noted how much of the ministry and signs and wonders in the book of Acts occurred in public spaces, including how the lame beggar was healed through the prayer of Peter and John (Acts 3:1-10).

“The man responded by leaping and entering the temple with them,” Suh said. “The people were filled with wonder.”

Dr. Suh followed his lecture with a time of Q&A and personal prayer ministry from himself and his team.

Hetzler said Christian Union received excellent feedback regarding the salon’s content and several powerful testimonies have surfaced from this evening, “Jesus still moves in power.”

Dr. Suh, who is currently in the Master of Divinity program at Alliance Theological Seminary in Manhattan, was introduced to Christian Union through a mutual friend who was a graduate student. At a Christian Union conference, he realized that “there are Ivy League alumni who actually think rationally and intellectually (about healing and the Gospel).”

“It was eye-opening,” he said.

After the salon, Hetzler was likewise appreciative of Dr. Suh and his ministry.

“It was an honor for Christian Union New York to host Dr. Suh,” she said. “He is a bold and anointed man of humility who is being used by the Lord to demonstrate His kingdom power to New York City. It is beautiful to see someone so accomplished, so honorable and prestigious, lay down his entire life to serve the purposes of the High King, the Greatest of all Physicians.”

By Tom Campisi

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