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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 4, 2021

Christian Union Multi-Site Event Stirs, Strengthens Believers

By Dr. Chuck HetZler, Director of CU Day and Night

Christian Union Day and Night hosted its first-ever, multi-site version of CU Fire on Friday, October 8 and Saturday, October 9.  

CU Fire is a one-and-a-half-day or two-and-a-half-day small-group retreat for the rejuvenation and inspiration of Christians. Many believers wish that they were stronger in their walks with God so that they would have the vision and ability to step out in faith and make a difference in their world; Christian Union has found that short, focused times of drawing near to God have an incredibly positive impact providing strengthening and renewed vision. And that certainly happened with our recent CU Fire retreats. Here is a sampling of what some participants are saying:

  • “This retreat didn’t just strengthen me, it changed my life,” remarked Kimberly, who joined CU Fire in a virtual group. 

  • “Absolutely amazing. I can’t even explain,” was the reaction of Jade from a NYC CU Fire group. 

  • Another New Yorker wrote, “Last week was like a spiritual volcano explosion - that is how it feels for me! God always does so much more than we can imagine and think possible!”

  • Marty (Huntsville, Alabama) affirmed, “We need these events to spread across our country like a fire.”

  • Chris (Orlando, Florida), stated, “I SO appreciate CU’s leadership in calling all believers to an extraordinary, wholehearted, and relentless pursuit of God.  There's an urgency!  Thanks for inviting me into this.  It was such a privilege to be part of this weekend's Fire!”

Fire creates infinity shapes when it burns. The orange from the flame and the black backgroud creates interesting textures. Flames from hell. Burning power.CU Fire is a small-group retreat designed for the rejuvenation and inspiration of Christians.

In preparation for CU Fire, a mobile app was developed. CU Fire hosts were recruited and trained. Speakers, a worship team, and prophetic ministers were secured. Video editors, administrative helpers, and intercessors were enlisted. And last but not least, over 72 hours of prayer and fasting preceded CU Fire, appealing to God for His power and presence to saturate each CU Fire site and participant. 

CU Fire Hosts welcomed friends into their homes Friday night, 6-9 p.m., and all day Saturday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m. The seventeen-hour event consisted of prayer, worship, Bible reading, biblical messages, listening to God, Christian friendship, and fasting until dinner. CU Fire is led by local hosts and by CU Day and Night leadership through online videos and an online event app. 

The first multi-site CU Fire event was a beta test with the number of sites limited to eight, including groups in Orlando, Florida; Columbus, George; Atlanta, Georgia; Huntsville, Alabama; Pratt, Kansas; Manhattan, New York City (two sites); and one virtual group made up of people from New Jersey, New York, Florida, and Ohio.  

This CU Fire focused on repentance, prayer, and revival. Two of the speakers are part of CU Day and Night’s pastors network – Fernando Cabrera, pastor of New Life Bronx and a NYC Councilman; and Mullery Jean-Pierre, pastor of Beraca Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York. Both spoke on the topic of repentance. Lisa (Pratt, Kansas) said, “It was wonderful!! I thank you for letting us be a part. I took in and wrote down so much about repentance! I learned so much more about what I NEED to do in order to have true, genuine repentance!!”

Matt Bennett, Christian Union’s founder and president, spoke on the pattern of morning and evening prayer for spiritual strengthening. Kimberly from the virtual group was blown away: “Matt’s teaching on prayer was transformative. I’m glad we have eternity because it will never be enough time to thank him for that teaching.” 

I (Chuck Hetzler) concluded CU Fire with a message tied to the ultimate aim of CU entitled, “Aspiring for Revival.” Jade (Manhattan) gained fresh inspiration: “Looking at the history of revival and traditions have really helped me to see God’s power and what He can do in my life today if I am faithful to seek Him.”

Thanks to God, the first multi-site CU Fire left participants wanting more. One Columbus, Georgia participant shared, “I came expecting something…feeling disconnected and confused about a lot…I feel more centered and I see where my priorities MUST change.” And Chris from Orlando capped his comments off by saying, “It was such a privilege to be part of this weekend's Fire!  *And count me IN for the next one!” 

CU Day and Night received every encouragement from the Lord and participants to spread more CU Fires in the future. The next two-and-a-half-day CU Fire is planned for January 27-29, 2022, and another one-and-a-half-day CU Fire is scheduled for April 1-2, 2022. We are praying and planning to scale up CU Fires so that hundreds and thousands of homes will be ignited to seek God for national revival through hosting a CU Fire. 

1 chuck speakingDr. Chuck Hetzler is the executive director of Christian Union Day and Night, a ministry that promotes spiritual strengthening in Christians across America, helping them thrive in order to make an impact in an increasingly secular culture by covenanting together for successive spiritual initiatives.

RELATED: Want to go deeper in your faith? Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free download of Christian Union’s “CU’s Seeking God Lifestyle” Bible Course Manual (details at bottom of this page).