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Christian Union: The Magazine
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
May 9, 2022

The Call to Worship

When it comes to the arts, creativity, and beauty, most people gravitate toward different disciplines. Whether it's poetry or painting or playing guitar or cultivating a garden, each person pursues their own interests and talents. But in Scripture, everyone is commanded to sing. 

beautiful abstract colorful collage with music notes and the violin clef.

In this conversation with Keith and Kristyn Getty for Trinity Forum Conversations, the Gettys examine the role of singing in worship, spiritual formation, and the pursuit of beauty. Keith addresses what he sees as a growing confusion about what singing in church is meant to be, teaches on the essentials of corporate worship through singing, and exhorts believers to remember that singing is about worshipping the one who has conquered sin and death and is making all things new. 

The Gettys also argue that singing is one of the primary sources of spiritual formation in the church today. This means that the words we sing in our songs, the way a congregation is led by a worship pastor, and the willingness of a congregation to sing to the Lord in all circumstances are the means by which individuals and churches grow in maturity in Christ. 

Christian Union loves to engage the arts with theological and biblical depth as we seek to worship our creator God who made us in His image to be creators.

Listen to the podcast here.

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