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May 11, 2022

CU Libertas Engages Students with Table Talk Dinners

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

For Matt Woodard, Christian Union’s ministry director at Brown University, it’s good to see the Judson Center bustling with activity again.

Judson House, CUs Ministry Center at Brown.The Adoniram Judson Ministry CenterChristian Union Libertas uses the facility for a wide range of events and functions, including fellowship, Bible courses, one-on-one mentoring, prayer, training, meals, and administrative work. But for the last two years, due to restrictions and fewer students on campus due to COVID-19, the Adoniram Judson Ministry Center has not been as utilized as in years past. In the spring semester, however, with new life budding in trees and flowers on campus and most activities resumed, Judson Center is once again the place to be for CU Libertas.

“This is an answer to prayer,” Woodard said. “We thank the Lord for it. Our hope is that any and all students would feel welcomed at the ministry center.”

One of the highlights of the spring semester are CU Libertas Table Talk dinners. Students invite friends and other seekers to a meal, which is followed by a discussion and Q and A around topics of faith.

“Students are showing up for Table Talk dinners and also for Bible courses,” Woodard said. “We’ve seen so many new faces visiting the Judson Center to share meals and ask honest, heartfelt questions about the Christian faith.”

1 A Brown Table Talk edited

Sheri Casali, a Christian Union ministry fellow at Brown, has been impressed with the way student leaders are inviting their friends to the Table-Talk dinners. Others have been invited during evangelism walks on campus. At the dinners, seekers who have questions can submit them ahead of time. Some of the questions included: “Why Jesus?” “Why the Cross” and “How is Christianity different from other religions?”

“We pray before the dinners. Student leaders initiate conversations after the meals and that opens the table for dialogue,” Casali said. “We have been encouraged by all the questions. Some students are on the edge of making faith commitments.”

Other food-related events at The Judson Center this spring included an Easter dinner and a March Madness event.

“We’ve never seen a group of student leaders take more initiative and show this kind of leadership,” Woodard said.

Outstanding hospitality combined with diligent ongoing prayer has helped invigorate CU Libertas this semester. CU faculty and students meet every Tuesday afternoon to pray in the Manning Chapel, where various needs are lifted up and intercession for revival is always a priority.

“We are seeing the fruit of God working miracles,” Casali said.

“We have seen the Lord at work here on campus,” Woodard said. “Lives are being changed as students come to know the deep, glorious love of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In a recent prayer e-mail, Woodard noted how the compassion of Christ is needed more than ever at Brown, especially for students wrestling with post-Covid realities and others who are facing emotional and mental health challenges daily.

“We want to be very intentional in demolishing any barriers that would prevent them from walking through our doors and joining our community. As we engage in campus-wide outreach and evangelism initiatives, we are praying that students would know the love, forgiveness, and acceptance that comes in Christ,” he said. “We are praying that they would know the healing touch of Jesus, and his abiding love for them.”

RELATED: Want to go deeper in your faith? Click here to receive a free download of Christian Union’s "Seeking God Lifestyle” Bible Course Manual.