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For many years a populist mindset has dominated Christian thinking about how to influence a society,...
June 13, 2022

Cornell Veritas Forum Examines Timely Question

The past few years have demonstrated what happens when humans grow more deeply entrenched in religious, political, and social views while losing the ability to listen to opposing views with love. More and more, friends are ending relationships, families are split apart, and individuals are surrounding themselves exclusively with those who support their vision of truth and the good life. But is this cultural shift a positive one? 

Question mark sign. Idea or problem concept background. 3d illustration

In this Veritas Forum hosted by Cornell University, Professor Miroslav Volf, the founding Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, and Dr. Vijay Pendakur, the Robert W. and Elizabeth C. Stanley Dean of Students at Cornell, discuss the question, can faith and tolerance coexist?

Digging into the meaty topics of pluralism, respecting the person who disagrees with your views, and how truth ought to shape our social and cultural interactions, Volf and Pendakur make a compelling case for seeking truth together.

Volf says it simply when he says, “We are truth-seeking creatures. But we must speak the truth in love. The other person with whom I’m searching for truth, if they differ from me, I don’t denigrate them but support the person as a person even if they see things differently than I do.” 

Christian Union works to engage culture through thoughtful discussions on influential college campuses. Through Bible courses, hosted debates, and intellectually engaging speakers, Christian Union is providing a space for faith and culture to meet.

Listen to the full conversation here.

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