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For many years a populist mindset has dominated Christian thinking about how to influence a society,...
June 13, 2022

Maturity in Christ Is Never Formulaic

The church exists to make disciples of all men and women, sending them out to love and transform the world as ambassadors of Christ. But how exactly do churches make disciples? 

Is a Sunday sermon and worship enough? How many Bible studies must each person attend to ensure maturity? Shouldn’t there be a simple formula for creating a disciple: Conference attendance + hours of prayer + Sunday worship = maturity?

It seems the American church has been hoping for something this simple. But in reality, the pursuit of discipleship and maturity in Christ is never formulaic. This article by Mike Glenn examines how exactly disciples are made, and how the church might be glossing over the commands and life of Christ in favor of efficiency and nice business models. 

Close up CNC milling/drilling machine working process on metal factory,Industrial metal work process at steel structure industry."The church is not a machine."Glenn argues that when churches pursue excellence in discipleship through streamlining studies, courses, and other discipleship tools, it often can lead to a lack of discipleship actually happening. Jesus spent time with his disciples. Lived with them, walked with them, ate with them. He most frequently compared discipleship to agriculture metaphors because humans are slow growers that must be cultivated. The church is not a machine. And when we act like it can be one, it stops being the church.

Christian Union has been pursuing the Jesus-style method of discipleship through one-on-one discipleship, personal mentoring and counseling, and doing life together in community during students four years of college. This time together has transformed thousands of students already, and the Lord is continuing to bring out the maturity of His children for His glory. 

Read the full article here.

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