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June 21, 2022

Christian Union Is Offering Hosting Opportunities

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor


Christian Union will host its next CU Fire Retreat on October 14-15 in living rooms across America—it’s a small group experience designed for the rejuvenation and inspiration of Christians.

“Many people are looking for opportunities to be strong in the Lord. They desire to possess the vision and the spiritual strength to stand for Christ, and to have Kingdom impact on their families, their friends, and their community,” said Dr. Chuck Hetzler, director of Christian Union Day and Night.

Aerial view of a row of multi story single family homes real estate properties in a new residential suburban neighborhood street in Maryland USA with dramatic colorful sunset sky

The sixteen-hour CU Fire Retreat–held from 6-9 p.m. on Friday and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday–includes prayer, worship, Bible reading, biblical messages, listening to God, Christian friendship, and fasting until dinner on Saturday. CU Fire Retreats are led by local hosts and by CU leadership through online videos and an online event app. 

After each CU Fire Retreat, Hetzler often receives feedback that includes dramatic testimonies from attendees.

“By God’s grace and the help of His people, these individuals received the unique ministry experience that CU provides,” he said.

Marietta Yoder, who served as a missionary in El Salvador for 16 years, said God has blessed her abundantly at two CU Fire retreats.

“Coming from a church background where God's Word is diligently studied and obeyed, I was so encouraged to listen to the Scripture-centered messages calling believers to repentance and obedience. Furthermore, God gave us sweet fellowship and a precious bond during the breakout prayer times online. My group represented five different denominations with Christians I never met. Jesus brought us together!”

“The intensified times of prayer have resulted in a deeper love for people and a deeper hunger and worship for God that moves me to tears. I so appreciate the leadership Christian Union is exhibiting to call the church to unite in sacrificially seeking God.”

Here’s a sampling of what some other attendees have said about CU Fire Retreats:

    • “The retreat was the refreshment that I needed! Jesus was very present with us all weekend and in the intercessory times leading up to the retreat! I am encouraged, in tune with the Spirit, and blessed by all the teaching and deep fellowship. God has met me afresh, visited closely, and renewed my zeal.”
    • “CU Fire stirred me to really want to seek the Lord, both for personal renewal and for national revival.”
    • “I’ve gained a certain spiritual tool each time I’ve been to CU Fire. Over time, with nurturing, the tools are shifting the direction of my spiritual life. I especially loved the fellowship and the way our small group was able to bond so quickly and take on each other’s burdens.”
    • “I did not know that I was struggling with unforgiveness. However, during the session when we prayed for one another, a peer prayed for healing of my heart, which was confirmed during the prophetic prayer time. I thanked God for the revelation and for the grace to confess and repent. I am so grateful to God  for moving swiftly and so exacting on this hidden portion of my heart.”

CU Fires started informally in the living room of Matt Bennett, Founder and CEO of Christian Union. Bennett wanted to provide a local spiritual retreat for CU New York friends, so he hosted days of seeking God and spiritual strengthening. Sometimes these local retreats were Friday night after work and all day Saturday or sometimes Thursday evening after work, all day Friday, and all day Saturday.


Christian Union is currently seeking CU Fire hosts, who will facilitate a small group retreat in their community. Hosts will receive assistance to learn best practices for inviting guests, preparing their homes or online groups, and leading the retreat. They will also receive a detailed CU Fire Host Manual and must agree to Christian Union’s statements of faith and ethics. 

CU Fire retreats will help hosts and their friends “see a new work of God in your life and in your community,” said Hetzler.

“You immerse yourself in God over this weekend through worship, and prayer, and Bible reading, and challenging messages from scripture, fasting, and being with like-minded Christians. CU Fire is a one-of-a-kind event to strengthen your relationship with the Lord and deepen friendships with fellow believers.”

For information on hosting a CU Fire Retreat, visit www.CUFire.org.