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August 31, 2022

Jack Deere Speaks at Several Christian Union Universities

By Anne Kerhoulas

Almost forty years ago, Jack Deere found himself in an unexpected position. An esteemed professor of Hebrew and the Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), Deere had signed a statement of beliefs for professors regarding the ongoing supernatural gifts of the Spirit. But through his teaching and study, he found his beliefs increasingly changing, becoming misaligned with the seminary’s stance.


Deere felt compelled to officially change his position, and in doing so, give up his position as a professor. And the Lord had an entirely new ministry in store for him. After all, He was the one prompting Deere to explore the ongoing work of the Spirit—gifts like prophecy and words of knowledge, what it means to hear the voice of God, and supernatural signs and wonders. 

Deere left DTS and joined the staff of The Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Anaheim, California;  The senior pastor was John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard movement. In California, Deere found like-minded ministers and people who believed that the Spirit had more for Christians than they ever imagined. 

From there, Deere began his own prophetic and healing ministry, traveling the country to share his testimony, and tell believers of the good news that the Spirit of Jesus still heals and is at work in supernatural and powerful ways today. 

It’s no surprise, then, that the Texas native connected with Christian Union, another ministry seeking to train and educate believers in the gifts of the Spirit. Over the years, Deere spoke at conferences for faculty and staff, using his gifts and knowledge to train ministry faculty in healing prayer, prophetic giftings, and even bring healing to individuals in various ways.

In the past academic year, Deere visited several of Christian Union’s leadership development ministries, speaking to students, offering ministry time, and even training students to grow in the gifts of the Spirit. Deere spoke at Christian Union’s weekly Leadership Lecture Series and then offered an additional training session time for students to attend to hear more about developing gifts of the Spirit. He also offered one-on-one ministry time for students to receive prayer, encouragement, and healing. 

The student and faculty response was overwhelming. Ministry Fellow Fady Ghobrial said, “Jack Deere came to CU Gloria at Harvard with Michael Miller, one of his protégés and a very gifted prophetic minister. Their time with our students was powerful and helped equip our leaders in the areas of prophecy and healing with a perfect blend of bold faith and pastoral wisdom.”

Likewise, Ministry Fellow Mike Vincent of CU Nova said, “Jack Deere’s ministry to students at Princeton was powerful. Students were touched by his very personal testimony of how God had moved in his life to bring him out of a terrible childhood into a saving relationship with Christ.”

But it was Deere’s focus on developing a friendship with God that really stuck with CU Nova students. It was through “friendship with God” that Deere began to understand how God speaks today through the prophetic gifts. 

“His assistant Michael Miller gave some prophetic words to students to encourage them and also show them what prophetic ministry can look like. After the meeting was officially over, most of the students stayed afterward, wanting to talk with Jack Deere and Michael Miller that they might learn more about the prophetic or receive a prophetic word right then,” Vincent recalls. “This created a buzz among students, many of whom were eager for this kind of ministry, and some of whom began to ask great questions and spur ongoing conversations. The students loved having Jack and Michael come and would welcome them back again!”

Working and collaborating with other ministers who had giftings in the prophetic, healing, and other supernatural gifts, Deere has spent his life ministering to those who need to experience Jesus. But he has also written several books regarding his knowledge and experience. Surprised by the Voice of God, The Beginners Guide to the Gift of Prophecy, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, and others have left a profound impression on thousands of believers who have wondered if the supernatural gifts of the Spirit are still at work today.